The Highest Self Podcast

#1 podcast in religion/ spirituality category on iTunes
1 million monthly downloads

Highest Self Podcast 436: Why I Don’t Watch Scary Movies with Sahara Rose

When I was 7 years old, my cousins thought it would be funny to show me Nightmare on Elm Street, the horror film with Freddy ...
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Highest Self Podcast 434: Why It’s So Uncomfortable To Speak Your Truth with Sahara Rose

Have you ever spent hours/ day/ weeks/ month/ erm maybe even YEARS thinking about what you want to say in a situation, trying to figure ...
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Highest Self Podcast 431: How To Stop Being Overly Responsible with Sahara Rose

Do you feel responsible for your friends and family members’ well-being? Are you always the person helping everyone with all their problems? Do you take ...
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Highest Self Podcast 423: The Truth About Quantum Leaping with Sahara Rose

I’ve been hearing a lot about this concept of “quantum leaping” and wanted to share my perspective on it. Can you actually meditate your way ...
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Highest Self Podcast 420: If You’re Healing Right Now- This Is For You, with Sahara Rose

Healing is confronting, challenging and also the most courageous work you can do. In this episode, I send extra love for those of you deep ...
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podcast 416

Highest Self Podcast 416: What Does True Success Mean To You with Sahara Rose

Do you always feel like you need to be rushing and responding just to stay afloat? Maybe you are always in your emails, checking your ...
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Highest Self Podcast 411: How To Have More Community, Belonging + Discernment in a Social Media World with Sahara Rose

Have you ever felt frazzled by all the opinions, voices and narratives out there on social media? This is because of your biological need to ...
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Highest Self Podcast 407: Embodying Your Highest Self During Holidays with Sahara Rose

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Highest Self Podcast 388: Why The Term Toxic Positivity Makes No Sense with Sahara Rose

Back at it this week with demystifying another “spiritual word” people hear, misunderstand then use as a dagger to throw at others who aren’t like ...
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Highest Self Podcast 386: Affirmations for Burn-Out with Sahara Rose

The world is feeling heavy and it’s important we take care of ourselves so we can truly live our purposes and share joy. In this ...
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