
I write books, channel podcasts, share ancient Ayurvedic wisdom and dance through this sacred journey called life.

I’m here to help you discover your dharma (soul’s purpose) so you can share your gifts with the planet… And show you that your highest path of service is your highest form of joy.

I always knew I was born on this planet to help others. But I didn’t know how.

Coming from refugee and immigrant parents and a lineage of child marriage, female suppression and political imprisonment, I always felt it was my personal responsibility to save the world. 

After spending most of my young adult life volunteering with NGOs, raising awareness for Human Rights campaigns as president of my local Amnesty International Chapter and studying International Development, I realized that the true way to change the world was to change the way people think. 

Instead of telling people what to do, if we could only raise their consciousness, they would know exactly what decisions to make to create a more just, abundant and beautiful world for all.

this brought me

to my mission today to awaken others to the wisdom that lives within them.

I believe none of us are here by coincidence but the very fact that you are here is for you a reason.

You too are here to raise consciousness and have chosen to incarnate at this time of great transition to be part of the shift.

Your gifts, your strengths, your interests, are encoded within you for a reason.

The very reason you have them is that within them lies your dharma.

I always say:

Your dreams are dreaming you back.

What that means is you will never have an idea you don’t have the ability to bring to life. That idea chose you as its ideal messenger because you are the perfect person to bridge it to reality. 

However, that doesn’t mean it’s going to happen instantly or easily. The obstacles you must overcome to bring that vision to reality are your soul’s unique curriculum to help you embody your dharma.

Discovering your dharma is the most important work we can do and why I’ve dedicated my life to it.

I share my process and unique framework to help you remember your soul’s purpose in my book Discover Your Dharma. Check it out here!

My Purpose Is To Help Others Find Theirs

I believe the most important thing we can do to raise the vibration of the planet is to help others discover their dharma, soul’s purpose.I went from being confused, overwhelmed and uncertain about my purpose to being clear, aligned and embodied in it. This is why I created the 21 Day Dharma Discovery Journey to support others in discovering and taking aligned action on their soul’s purpose, because the world needs it now more than ever before.

The Ripple Effect of Dharma

Highest self institute logo

Imagine the ripple effect of each person living their dharma and the effect it has on others. It is the ultimate way we can raise the vibration of the planet.If you feel like your purpose is to help others find their purpose, then I invite you to join me in my leading institute, Highest Self Institute. Highest Self Institute is the home of Dharma Coaching Institute, the world’s first and only double certification as a Dharma + Spiritual Life Coach.

The syllabus includes a deeply transformational experience that covers 8 stages leading you through life-changing dharma principles and coaching tools + practices for profound success and abundance. This program is packed with actionable, interactive weekly lessons, live calls and experiential peer-coaching where you can practice your skills in real-time.

Ancient Ayurveda for the Modern World

My journey began with Ayurveda, the world’s oldest health system and the sister science of yoga based on the mind-body connection.

When I was 21-years-old, my body began shutting down and I experienced perimenopausal symptoms, was told I would never be able to have children from the doctors who prescribed me countless medications for everything from digestion to hormonal imbalances to insomnia.

I intuitively knew that I needed to reach the root cause of my imbalance and that’s what guided me to rediscover Ayurveda, the long-lost language of my ancestors and soul.

After healing my own body and mind with this ancient science, I felt a deep passion and responsibility to share it with the world. I’ve gone on to write two global best-selling Ayurveda books, Eat Feel Fresh: A Contemporary Plant-Based Ayurvedic Cookbook and Idiot’s Guide to Ayurveda, both with forewords by Deepak Chopra and creating my Modern Approach to Ayurveda Course with MindBodyGreen.

Through my years of research, writing, consulting and sharing Ayurveda with the world, I realized that Ayurveda is so much more than just for physical or mental healing, but as a pathway to understand the soul.

I see the world through the lens of the Doshas and view it as the key to understanding our purpose, our relationships, our business and essence. Being a global messenger for Ayurveda is part of my soul mission on this planet. I am eternally grateful for my predecessors and supporters, especially Deepak Chopra, for believing in me for sharing this knowledge with the world.

Deepak Chopra

“Sahara is taking the torch of Ayurveda and burning it brightly.”

-Deepak Chopra,

from foreword of Eat Feel Fresh.


Oracle Deck & Reflective Journal

To help women gain touch with their intuition, I created A Yogic Path Oracle Card Deck and Reflective Journal. Each card represents aspects of the self, symbolized by sacred figures and concepts that are integral to yoga, Ayurveda, Goddesses, chakras and Vedic spirituality.
Yogic Path Oracle Cards

A Voice For The Sacred Feminine


I’m a voice for the divine feminine wisdom that is re-emerging at this time and believe spirituality is not about leaving your body, but rather about being so immersed in your body, you become one with it. 

The path of the Goddess is not to detach yourself from the world enough that you can handle being in it. It’s about creating the world you desire to be part of. It is only from that place that we can truly connect with spirit, without bypassing the very realms we were born into. ⁠

This is why I founded Rose Gold Goddesses, the divine feminine mystery school, and am so passionate about leading from the heart, Earth and body.

You were born into a human body for a reason. This lifetime is about embodying out why.

Speak With Soul

Become a confident speaker in 21 days

You are here to make an impact on the world and are finally ready to fully commit to creating a sustainable and successful business as a spiritual entrepreneur.

Now you’re probably wondering “how can I expand my audience”?

The answer is by owning your voice!

But I know that sharing your voice can sometimes be challenging, and your BIG dreams to one day speak on stage or start a podcast can seem far away.

That is why I have created my brand new offering, Speak With Soul. This next-level course was designed to give you the tools to find, share, and lead with your powerful voice.

I created The Highest Self Podcast as the place I wanted to have conversations on all things spiritual, from past lives to rituals to sacred feminine wisdom to ancestral healing. I realized the purpose of health is not just so we can be healthy but so we can use them health to blossom into our highest selves. I wanted to dive deep, talk about the meaning of life, synchronicities, ancient wisdom and shakti embodiment.

And in the past five years it has grown to become the #1 spirituality podcast on iTunes with over 30 million downloads!

It’s by far my favorite thing I do and there is nothing I love more than hopping on the mic when I’m getting a download and riffing live on air with you.

It comes out every week (there are solocasts where I drop them wisdom nuggets and interviews where I dive deep with an epic guest) and is available on iTunes, Spotify, Soundcloud or Youtube!


I love a good archetype. It’s instrumental to my work and something that has really helped me discover my own personal dharma.

My Dharma Archetypes™(the system I created) are Visionary, Teacher, Artist, Entrepreneur + Activist. I’m here to channel universal wisdom and be a bridge for the new paradigm through my art of expression. Find your Dharma Archetype out with my quiz here!





Ayurveda, I’m a Vata-Pitta (creativity is my superpower and I have the drive to actually take my many ideas off the ground!) A massive Vata imbalance in my early 20’s that nearly caused my body to breakdown is what got me into Ayurveda in the first place.



My Human Design is a Projector with Splenic Authority, 4-6 Profile.


SUN: Sagittarius

MOON: Sagittarius

RISING: Scorpio


SUN: Capricorn

MOON: Capricorn

RISING: Sagittarius


Saraswati Goddess of Creativity, Dance + the Arts

Ixchel Goddess of womb wisdom

Lakshmi Goddess of Abundance

Lalita Sundari Goddess of sensuality

Isis/Aset Goddess of magick

My happy places are Bali and India and I’ve lived in both.

I currently live in Los Angeles and absolutely love the turquoise blue waters, art deco architecture and multiculturalism!

I believe we are all sacred + ancient, living Goddesses in human form.

Sahara Rose In A Nutshell

Professional Bio:

Sahara Rose

Sahara Rose is a modern renaissance woman, embodying that you can be a multidimensional person in your full expression. Sahara Rose has been called “a leading voice for the millennial generation into the new paradigm shift” by Deepak Chopra, who wrote the foreword of her three books, including the recent Discover Your Dharma.

She hosts the wildly popular Highest Self Podcast, the #1 spirituality podcast on iTunes with over 35 million downloads. She is known for making spirituality fun and relatable, bringing an embodied approach to ancient wisdom.

She is the co-founder of Dharma Coaching Institute, the world’s first accredited school that certifies Dharma (Soul Purpose) + Spiritual Life Coaches, as well as the founder of Rose Gold Goddesses, the divine feminine mystery school.

She is an internationally reclaimed artist, DJ and music producer who infuses Middle Eastern and Afro Beats with high vibe lyrics you feel good about getting stuck in your head.

Sahara believes spirituality is about moving beyond the mind and into the body. She infuses ecstatic dance, music and embodiment into her practice, Sahara gives people the permission to find their own pathway to their highest selves.

She is also keynote speaker, speaking on stages at Mindvalley, Google and Facebook, as well as being featured as the nutrition speaker for Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move Campaign at Harvard Medical School and in Vogue, Forbes, NBC and more.

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