Sahara Rose has been called “a leading voice in the millennial generation into the new paradigm shift” by Deepak Chopra. She is on a mission to make the spiritual journey modern, fun and relatable.
She hosts the Highest Self Podcast, the #1 spirituality podcast on iTunes with over 55 million downloads and 8 years and counting. She shares expansive conversations and soul-shifting gems about spirituality, the divine feminine and matters of the heart.
She is also a 4x best-selling author with three forewords by Deepak Chopra for her books Discover Your Dharma, Eat Feel Fresh, Idiot’s Guide to Ayurveda, as well as the Yogic Path Deck + Journal.
She is the co-founder of the Highest Self Institute, the premier spiritual life coaching organization and has certified over 3000 students in her flagship methods in Dharma (Purpose), Spiritual Life and Embodiment Coaching.
She is also a musical artist with her album My Body Is An Altar amassing millions of streams.
Get ready for a journey of depth, play and laughter!

“Sahara Rose knows how to bring the age-old philosophy of Ayurveda into a modern era.”
“Luckily for us, we don’t have to be Buddhist monks, there are plenty of resources we can turn to. I recommend tuning into Episode 105 of the Highest Self podcast with Sahara Rose.”
“Ketabi made it her goal to modernize the Ayurvedic teachings that had guided her to good health to make them more accessible to everyday people.”
"Sahara Rose is like a contemporary sage, modernizing ancient wisdom in a way that is deep and digestible and feels like it's coming from a friend."
yoga journal
“A leading voice in the millennial generation into the new paradigm shift.”
-Deepak Chopra
(dar-ma; Sanskrit धर् म)
Your soul’s purpose, the big reason why you are here.
(And I’m here to help you find it!)
What’s Your Dharma Archetype™?
Are you a Teacher, Visionary, Nurturer, Warrior, Researcher,
Artist, Entrepreneur or Activist?
Take my quick 10-question quiz to find out now.. And how it’s related to your dharma (purpose)!
Discover Your Dharma
My most important work.
The story of how I found my purpose, reclaimed my truth and overcame disapproval, fears and limiting beliefs… and how you can too.
We are going through a pivotal shift with so many career transitions and the opportunity is for us to really utilize this time to ask ourselves– how can I live a life in full alignment with my gifts? What even are they?
This book will remind you of the wisdom that lives inside your soul so that your outer reality can reflect your inner radiance.
Order now and submit your receipt to receive exclusive bonuses including a guided meditation led by me, a tapping (EFT) practice to unblock limitations, and my very own Dharma Embodiment Practice.
“Discover Your Dharma is a timely book for readers to decondition their minds, remember their essence, and step into the purpose they were born to express.”
Highest Self Podcast
The #1 spirituality podcast on iTunes with over 30 million downloads and 7000 reviews with a 5 star average.
Craving a podcast you can binge on that makes you feel inspired, upleveled and more connected with your truth?
Grounded. Ancient. Sacred. Relatable. Real.
Every week I drop two episodes, a channeled solocast with my spiritual nuggets and a deep-dive interview with a top spiritual teacher, from Deepak Chopra to Marianne Williamson to Gabby Bernstein to don Miguel Ruiz to Danielle laPorte to Seal.
From discovering your dharma, to tapping into divine feminine wisdom, to conscious entrepreneurship, to past lives and spirit guides, listening to Highest Self Podcast feels like a conversation with a friend where you get to go down all the rabbit holes and find your truth along the way.
I serve the wisdom deep and the laughter strong. You’ll be thinking “Oh my goddess did she just read my mind?!” because I’ve been there too, queen!
Start Here: Highest Self Podcast’s Most Popular Episodes
- Who Is Your Highest Self? With Sahara Rose
- Become a Super Attractor with Gabby Bernstein
- Finding Your Dharma with Deepak Chopra
- 5 Stages of Dharma Discovery with Sahara Rose
- Understanding Your Past Lives with Sahara Rose
- Sex, Doshas + Embodiment with Malaika Darville
- The One Thing That’s Holding You Back with Sahara Rose
21 Day Dharma Discovery Journey
Join Rose Gold Goddesses, the divine feminine mystery school
Create a thriving spiritual coaching career at Highest Self Institute
Highest Self Institute is a world-renowned spiritual coaching institute that offers high-quality, experiential and in-depth certifications and programs that you can trust, including Soul Purpose (Dharma) & Spiritual Life Coaching, Embodiment Coaching, Soul Business Mastery, Human Design, and more.
I’m most known for sharing ancient Ayurvedic wisdom with the modern world over the course of a decade of teaching, writing, blogging and speaking!
Ayurveda is the world’s oldest health system and the sister science of yoga based on the mind-body connection.
No. 1
DISCOVER YOUR DOSHA (Ayurvedic Mind-Body Type)
with my free 90-second quiz which is the ONLY Dosha quiz out there that breaks down the results of your mind and your body, with customized results for each!
Dive in deeper with one of my
Both with forewords by Deepak Chopra
No. 2
My plant-based contemporary approach to Ayurveda with over 100+ recipes. After suffering from crippling health problems, this book shares the recipes that healed me and brought me back into balance. The photography of this book was all shot in India and feels like you are on a journey to an ancient world!
My full-on textbook on ALL things Ayurveda, from morning routines, to self-care, to nutrition, to digestion to yoga practices to Ayurvedic spirituality. If you want to dive deep into Ayurvedic wisdom, this book will serve it to you on a platter
Spirituality is one of my favorite things to teach and practice. My journey began with my health issues and became so much more. I realized that we are not our bodies or our minds, but rather souls that live inside of them and that we can only truly come into harmony when we balance the three. This is what prompted my spiritual journey and led me to creating products to help others tap into their own intuitive wisdom.
Pull a card from A Yogic Path
Steeped in ancient Vedic wisdom, A Yogic Path Oracle Card Deck provides you with the space and opportunity to connect with your intuition and guides.
With original ancient depictions of Goddesses and deities, chakras, yoga sutras, Ayurvedic wisdom and Vedic spirituality, this deck is for the yogi who is ready to take their practice off the mat and into their life.
Take your morning routine to the next level with A Yogic Path Reflective Journal
I was craving a journal that included the WHOLE me, from daily gratitude + intention setting, to tracking my menstrual cycle, to scheduling my days with the Doshas, to affirmations, to reflective prompts, to Vedic astrology.
This is why I created A Yogic Path Reflective Journal, the journal for the sacred womban.
With practices, rituals and card spreads, this journal will help you manifest the life you’ve always desired and known you were worthy of.
Your dreams are dreaming you back.
Notice the shift with A Yogic Path Reflective Journal.
Letters from me to you, every week or so, sharing the latest podcast episodes, revelations and reminders for you to blossom into your fullest expression.
Join 300,000+ subscribers as we raise the vibration of the planet together!
“Discover Your Dharma will give you clear direction on how to step into your purpose and say yes to your deepest desires.”
-Gabby Bernstein
“Provides a much-needed plant-based solution to Ayurvedic nutrition that the world has been waiting for.”
-Mark Hyman
“Sahara has taken the torch of Ayurveda and is burning it brightly.”
-Deepak Chopra
Ancient soul in a modern body.
Author. Speaker. Dancer. DJ. Spiritual teacher.
Igniter. Awakener. Believer in fun, purpose and joy.