The Highest Self Podcast

#1 podcast in religion/ spirituality category on iTunes
1 million monthly downloads

Highest Self Podcast 260: Turning Your Pain Into Your Purpose with Jenna Phillips-Ballard

You were meant to do big things.. But first, you gotta get out of your own way. In this episode, transformational coach Jenna and I ...
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Highest Self Podcast 257: The Limiting Belief That Is Plaguing The Spiritual Community with Sahara Rose

After reading this Instagram post, I knew I needed to make a video. You are not finite- you are not weak- you are not limited. ...
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Highest Self Podcast 255: Why Having FUN Is The Most Important Werk You Can Do with Sahara Rose

We live in a world with a lot of instructions and information… and not a lot of embodiment. The truth to manifestation is you have ...
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Highest Self Podcast 248: Conquering Imposter Syndrome with Brett Larkin

Have you ever felt like you weren’t competent enough to teach the things you want to teach? In this episode, Yoga Teacher Brett Larkin shares ...
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Highest Self Podcast 244: How To Have Boundaries During Holidays

Holidays can be a difficult time to navigate boundaries but they’re more important than ever, especially for those of us who are energy sensitive. In ...
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Highest Self Podcast 243: Feel Good Is Your Job With Gala Darling

How do you manifest everything you want? Focus on feeling GOOD. Because when you feel good, you have more energy to go after the things ...
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Highest Self Podcast 233: The One Thing That’s Holding You Back From Happiness with Sahara Rose

We are living in a time where we have more, but are often less happy than ever before. What is the deal? In this episode ...
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Highest Self Podcast 213: Living Life By Your Own Rules with Amy Jo Martin

There is no one version of success– it may be writing a NYT best-selling book, it may be quitting your job and moving into the ...
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Highest Self Podcast 212: Even Stuff That Sucks is Redirection with Sahara Rose

 Losing your wallet, getting locked out of your workout class, your phone crashing.. ALL redirection! In this episode, I discuss how you can understand the ...
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Highest Self Podcast 206: How To End Your Addiction to Suffering with Sahara Rose

Do you believe the only way you can grow is if you suffer first? Most of us have been taught so. This episode is all ...
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