The Highest Self Podcast

#1 podcast in religion/ spirituality category on iTunes
1 million monthly downloads


Highest Self Podcast 364: Pivoting Careers Into Coaching with Dr. Neeta Bhushan

Do you feel like it’s too late for you to have a career as a coach? Does imposter syndrome get in the way? In this ...
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Highest Self Podcast 357: Living Your Dharma As A Health Coach with Sahara Rose + Jim Curtis

Thinking about becoming a Holistic Health Coach? This episode is for you! You’re tuning into a live webinar I did with my alma mater Institute ...
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Highest Self Podcast 350: What To Do If Your Partner Is Not Down for Dharma with Sahara Rose

One of the most common questions I get is, “What do I do if my partner is not in alignment with their dharma? Do I ...
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Highest Self Podcast 348: Discover Your Dharma with Sahara Rose

I’ve been on so many incredible podcasts to share my new book Discover Your Dharma and wanted to share one of my favorite interviews by ...
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Highest Self Podcast 345: The Movie Soul + Dharma with Sahara Rose

Have you seen the recent movie Soul? I was blown away Pixar created a movie about essentially dharma! In this episode, I share my perspective ...
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Highest Self Podcast 344: Honoring Your Sacred Doing with Sahara Rose

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Highest Self Podcast 343: Choosing Your Timeline For 2021 with Sahara Rose

If there is anything 2020 taught is, is that we each have the ability to choose our own timelines. In this episode, I discuss what ...
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Highest Self Podcast 342: Path of Least vs Most Resistance in Living Your Dharma with Sahara Rose

I remember always reading spiritual books telling me to follow the path of least resistance and thinking, “How could I do that? Then if I ...
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Highest Self Podcast 341: Trusting Your Dharma with Sahara Rose

Do you ever feel a nudge towards something related to your dharma that doesn’t make logical or linear sense? This often happens when we are ...
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Highest Self Podcast 339: Transitioning to Your Dharma with Krista Williams + Lindsey Simcik of Almost 30 Podcast

We often hear stories about people making radical leaps towards their dharma, quitting their jobs and risking everything to make it. However, we often don’t ...
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