The Highest Self Podcast

#1 podcast in religion/ spirituality category on iTunes
1 million monthly downloads


Highest Self Podcast 384: If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the world, listen to this with Sahara Rose

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, frazzled and in complete despair with the state of the world right now, that’s because your nervous system wasn’t designed to ...
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Highest Self Podcast 380: The Truth To All Your Problems That Will Set You Free with Sahara Rose

Your ego may not like what I’m about to share but your highest self will LOVE it. In this episode, I share the key to ...
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Highest Self Podcast 378: Enjoying The Process of Creation with Sahara Rose

Do you ever catch yourself speeding up, stressing yourself out or getting overwhelmed, giving up the joy of creation for the anticipation for the end ...
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Highest Self Podcast 376: Fun Is Your Birthright with Sahara Rose

In this episode I share my secret to writing books, creating multiple businesses, launching projects, being happily married and overall so joyful. It’s because in ...
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Highest Self Podcast 367: Understanding Soul Contracts with Sahara Rose

What are soul contracts and how do we know if we’re in one or if they ended? I share with you ALL the soul contract ...
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Highest Self Podcast 363: Keeping Your Heart Open Through Obstacles with Sahara Rose

When faced with obstacles, it’s easy to close your heart, become pessimistic and see the worst in the world. But is that the energy you ...
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Highest Self Podcast 360: How To Overcome Self-Sabotage with Sahara Rose

One of the main issues people come to me for regarding living their dharma (soul’s purpose) is self-sabotage. In this episode, I discuss what that ...
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Highest Self Podcast 356: Creating From a Place of Rest vs Unworthiness with Sahara Rose

What you are creating is not as important as HOW and WHY you are creating it. Is it coming from a place of creativity oozing ...
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Highest Self Podcast 353: Embodiment + Rewilding As the Sun-Being with Sahara Rose

I wanted to touch base on where I’m at energetically now with my book Discover Your Dharma being out in the world for the past ...
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Highest Self Podcast 347: 30 Lessons in 30 Years with Sahara Rose

Every year on my birthday on this podcast I share my number of lessons for that number of years. We’ve done my 27, 28 and ...
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