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Smoothies 1

Why You Shouldn’t Drink Green Smoothies During Winter + What to Eat Instead

Originally published in Yogi Approved. Our diets must change according to the season. In the summer, nature provides us with hydrating, refreshing foods like watermelon and leafy greens because they naturally cool us down. In the fall, we all crave pumpkin-spice everything because our bodies require more grounding, warming ingredients.

Why You Shouldn’t Drink Green Smoothies During Winter + What to Eat Instead Read More »

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Low-Glycemic High-Vibe Strawberry Broccoli Smoothie

A lot of people ask me, “How can I keep eating smoothies without all the sugar?” The verdict is out: most smoothies out there are extremely high in sugar. According to Live Strong, certain smoothies that places like Jamba Juice contain more than 60 grams of sugar. This can lead to weight-gain, unstable blood sugar levels, diabetes

Low-Glycemic High-Vibe Strawberry Broccoli Smoothie Read More »

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