Highest Self Podcast 409: Our Insight On The Movie Don’t Look Up with Rosie Acosta


In this conversation, we discuss our takeaways from the movie “Don’t Look Up” starring Leonardo Dicaprio, Jennifer Lawrence, Meryl Streep and many others. We discuss how it relates to consciousness, the end of our “diets” on Earth, the very real fear around climate change, the balance between free will and destiny, our social media culture, loneliness, community and much more. Grab some popcorn and be our third wheel on this discussion!

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Episode 409: Our Insight On The Movie Don’t Look Up with Rosie Acosta
By Sahara Rose

[00:12] Sahara
Namaste, it’s Sahara Rose and welcome back to The Highest Self Podcast, a place where we discuss what makes You, Your Soul’s Highest Evolvement.

[00:19] Sahara
I hope you are wrapping up this year, beautifully, gracefully, with a lot of peace. I’m loving having so much more space in my schedule. I miss just doing long, juicy, self-guided yoga flows, you know, you get so busy in your day-to-day life that it’s like you’re either going to work out or you’re going to do yoga or you’re going to dance, but it has been feeling so good to do all, and it’s just such a great reminder to me that my body is my arts and it feels so good just to be able to really stretch into the places that you normally don’t access on a daily basis when you’re just trying to get through it and get to the next thing, and to really just be there and explore your body. That is truly how I feel like my highest self.

[01:01] Sahara
So, I’ve also had more time to watch some movies, and I recently watched the move Don’t Look Up. Have you seen it? Have you heard of it? Chances are, if you’re listening to this Episode, you have. And I highly recommend actually watching the movie before listening to this Episode, if you plan on watching it, because we do kind of give some spoilers.

[01:19] Sahara
But really, this movie is about a giant meteor hitting planet Earth. So, these two astrologers, or astronomers, I’m thinking about astrology all the time, I’m like “Wait, astronomy exists?”
So, these two astronomers are looking up at the sky and they see this huge meteor that is the size of Mt. Everest, and is going to hit Earth in six months.
They keep doing the math, they keep doing the research, and what this means, in the movie, is that Earth and all living beings will be destroyed by a series of tsunamis and natural disasters that will ensue after this meteor hits.

[02:01] Sahara
So, of course, they go straight to the White House and are trying to tell the President how important it is to take action and to relay the Earth Defense Protection Council of NASA, they have some name for it, which actually exists in real life, and the movie kind of takes on from there – of different political agendas, the President in that movie, who is played by Meryl Streep, not really believing them or only getting behind it when it’s beneficial for her presidential campaign and her re-election; different faces when it comes to businessmen portraying themselves as philanthropists; the media, how the media doesn’t really want to have these important conversations.
And this movie is really a ticking bomb, over these six months as these two scientists are trying to raise awareness of the fact that Earth is going to be destroyed and all humans are going to die, and people not taking them seriously.

[03:02] Sahara
And that’s really what the context of this movie is about. It’s a satire, but also quite deep and also, kind of some dark themes such as the destruction of Earth, and is such an important film, not to say that I completely agree with it, but to say that it’s really timely. It’s a timely film that I think that there’s certain movies that come out in times like The Social Dilemma, which is a movie that everyone watched, again, whether you agreed with it or not, it kind of went into the zeitgeist into what people are experiencing and referring to, and I think this is another one.

[03:36] Sahara
So, I was just chatting back and forth to my friend Rosie, about this, and I’m like “Let’s just hop on a podcast” because I bet there are so many people out there who have watched this movie and have thoughts about it and want to be a part of the discussion. Maybe they don’t have anyone to really have that discussion with, and for us to just open the dialogue and have this conversation here.

[03:56] Sahara
So, this is really an exploration of different themes that we notice in our society and spirituality, that are reflected in this film, and beyond. And I hope you feel like our third friend, sitting here, drinking your Matcha Latte, having a conversation about the meaning of life.

[04:13] Sahara
So, without further ado, let’s welcome Rosie to The Highest Self Podcast.


[04:18] Advertisement

And before we get started with this conversation, I’d love to share with you my Free Goddess Embodiment Practice.

Embodiment is truly the missing link to true spiritual growth and manifestation because, truly, we can only manifest something when we embody that energy first. And we hold so much collective stress and trauma and tension in our bodies, so for us to open up our minds, our hearts, our spirits, we must open up our bodies first.
So, this is a guided embodiment dance practice with me, it’s only 10 minutes long, so you get to do it every day before you start your day, to open up more flow, creativity, joy, pleasure and peace into your life.
So, head over to my show notes or rosegoldgoddesses.com/embodiment to download this practice and doors are opening to Rose Gold Goddesses, my Divine Feminine Mystery School.
So, in this Mystery School, we have an incredible annual curriculum plan with Breathwork Practices, Womb Wisdom and so much more. We’re also planning an in-person members only retreat in Miami and so many incredible experiences for you. So, if you’re curious, you want conscious community that you can really dive deeper into, people who are like-minded, like-hearted, who want to play and dance and also really dive deep into their soul’s purpose, then Rose Gold Goddesses is for you.
So, again, head over to rosegoldgoddesses.com to join the wait list, there’ll also be added when you join the Embodiment Practice and I’m soul excited to see you guys inside.

Now, without further ado, let’s dive into this conversation!

[06:03] End of Advertisement

[06:04] Interview

[06:05] Sahara
Welcome back Rosie, to The Highest Self Podcast, it’s so great to have you here!

[06:09] Rosie
Thanks for having me again!

[06:12] Sahara
And for the third time, I’d love to ask you what makes you your highest self?

[06:20] Rosie
I feel like every time you ask me this, I want to have a different answer. I feel that, what makes me my highest self, is being honest. Yeah.

[06:34] Sahara
Love that! that’s what we’re here to do today!

[06:39] Rosie
I love the little bit of hesitation in your voice. You’re like “This is what we’re here to do.”

[06:44] Sahara
It’s what we’re here to do and you know, Rosie is one of my best friends, we’re talking, literally, all day long about everything that’s happening. And we were just voice-noting for the past day about this new move Don’t Look Up, and the conversation we were having was so interesting and it really got me thinking that there’s so many people out there who’ve probably watched the movie, that don’t have a friend that they can really dissect it with, so I wanted to bring some of the discussion here on the Podcast, and dive into it even further than our voice notes.
So, before we get started, the movie Don’t Look Up is a new film that just came out with Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Lawrence, Tyler Perry, Meryl Streep, Ariana Grande, such a star-studded cast, and has now been nominated for four Golden Globes and who knows how it will go but it’s definitely a big film that is in the Zeitgeist.
And last time we had this conversation was last year about the movie Social Dilemma, which was actually more of a documentary. And I think it’s important to really discuss films like this that are so in the moment, depictive of the cultural landscape that we’re in. And these movies are part of our zeitgeist, they’re part of what influence the way that we think, our conversations and you know, these types of movies really do impact a generation, and that’s why I wanted to discuss it here.
Neither of us have any agendas, both of us in Human Design have open centers, so we’re going to be really looking back and forth on all of the different perspectives. And I also know that with any conversation, there’re infinite number of ways that we can look at things, so, my little disclaimer before we get into it, is that we’re not going to be able to talk about every single potential perspective, viewpoint, curiosity, underlying current that exists in this film. This film was intentionally made to kind of punch jabs at every single side, and at the same time, I think, the film also had its own agenda.
So, if you’re listening to this Podcast and you’re like “Oh, but they should’ve talked about this” or “What about that?”, amazing, have those discussions with your friends, open up that dialogue, maybe have a viewing party with them, because in any piece of art, there are thousands and thousands of different ways to look at it, and we’re just not going to be able to due to the length of this conversation, get to all of them.
So, that’s my little 2021/2022 disclaimer that we’ve got to do!

[09:23] Rosie
Yeah, I love, I mean, I just, I love everything about the disclaimer as well as everything that you and I have been discussing. And it is such a metaphor for where we are today in the current landscape of the world.
And for me, I love satirical comedy, I mean, I really live for it. For me it’s like, it’s my way of living in that paradoxical world of the utmost fullness and beauty of life and the horrific catastrophic realities of the world.
So, it’s always fun for me to watch – and I love Adam McKay, he’s such an incredibly talented writer. I love pretty much every film and show that he’s done. I don’t necessarily always agree with the, you know, there’s always sort of underlying agendas, for everybody. Anybody that is in the media, everybody’s always trying to push their opinion, and I think that’s a beautiful thing. We are all allowed to have an opinion, that’s the beauty of, especially being here in the US, is that we’re able to express it.
But for me, he really speaks to that part of my temperament that, examining our world view, can sometimes be presented back to us as a mirror. And I think we don’t do that enough, I feel like, often times, especially over the last two years, with the pandemic, it’s created an opportunity for us to self-reflect more, for us to look inward more, and I think that this film really – yeah, as you and I were talking, pokes fun at all the sides and it really opens up a conversation “What is this about, is this poking fun at the political climate, is it about climate change, is it about capitalism, what is it about?” And I think, in a way, it’s all metaphorical of the same thing, the ways that we live life in this sort of numb, indifferent way and different ways that we ignore that mirror.
So, yeah, look, it’s obviously something that I love to think about, and I was telling you this morning, before we decided to turn this into a podcast, that I really love diving in and I really love hearing other people’s opinions because I, personally, don’t want to live in a world where everybody agrees. I think that that’s a very dangerous place to be in, when everybody thinks the same way and everybody feels the same way. I think there are certain things that we can all agree on, like the fact that we wish each other a long, healthy and thriving life, hopefully, regardless of what your background is, and we all want to live our life to the fullest. We all want to be here and live a happy life and I think that sometimes, we get on our pulpits and try and show people how they’re not living their best life. And I think this is where these divides happen, because I’m trying to convince you to see how you’re not living your best life, so that you can live your best life. So, I’m really going to fight with you and I’m going to argue and I’m going to tell you every reason why you’re wrong and why I’m right and how my way is the best way of living life, etc., as opposed to it being an open dialogue.
I mean, it reminds me of the conversation we had for your DCI training, when I came in and we were talking about active listening and how it is such an important and spiritual practice to be able to sit across from each other and actually actively listen to what the other is saying. I think that’s a separate conversation than the film, the film is really talking about how the world is basically burning up and we’re just too busy with pop culture, essentially.

[14:05] Sahara
Yeah, and we’re not practicing active listening for sure. You know, I think the film was really interesting, diving into the research, and we both listened to some interviews with the director and it was actually created, at first, before Covid happened. So, it was created as a film, strictly about climate change, but so many of the themes resemble the situation that we’re in, when it comes to Covid, from the politicalization of different topics, different vested interests involved. I felt like that character, Peter, who is like the billionaire guy with the idea to use the meteor to mine the lithium for his products, I feel like he was, kind of, based on a combination of Bill Gates, Elon Musk, even Joe Biden, so, I kind of like how they really did take jobs at every single side that you could see, and I felt like the Meryl Streep character is very based off of Donald Trump. She was this kind of like self-righteous leader that took advantage of people’s emotions and was her heart really in the right place? In the film you can kind of feel no, in the film, but also, it just showed that a lot of times situations that are real life situations, political figures will get behind them if it’s advantageous to them staying in office or not. So, I feel like that conversation was happening.
The conversation of businessmen who portray themselves to be philanthropists, taking advantage of global situations with this lens of philanthropy, but it’s actually about capitalism. And yeah, it’s sort of late-stage capitalism of everyone is so busy taking care of themselves that when there is such a huge problem like the world ending, a meteor hitting the Earth, it’s like everyone is still so caught up in the “Well, maybe it will produce jobs”, and looking at it in such a small lens; or yeah, who broke up with who.
Even today, you and I send back and forth videos of dissecting the psychology of the Kardashians, and we were kind of talking about how celebrity culture has become so big in our day and age because we are so isolated. And back in the day, we used to live in community and have a village where we all got to know each other so we could have a conversation about what’s happening in the village; have so many people that we all know. Whereas right now, you might make a friend and have no mutual friends, so it’s almost like a little bit hard when you have a friend that doesn’t know anyone else in your life, that what celebrities give us, is a reference point that we can all look at, they’re basically archetypes that we can all have a shared interest in and have our own perspectives on. And at the same time, we’re so obsessed with who’s dating who, who’s broken up with who, who’s cheating on who, that it comes from this really, I think, tender place of we just want to be a part of a community, but what it’s turned into, because it’s in social media, is that it’s, our smallness is distracting us from this catastrophic fear that I don’t think we can really wrap our heads around climate change. Truly, the potential implications of climate change are so intense that were just in cognitive dissonance, we’re in disbelief because if we actually dive into it, there’s actually a term, Climate Change Depression, that happens when people really dive into it, they get into this despair of “Holy crap, the world is ending” and there’s so many different perspectives of how is it ending, is this happening or not and then that was, sort of, again, another theme in the movie, of the people who are just in denial of it. And it’s not until they see it, see the meteor right in front of them, that they believe it, but by that point, it’s too late. And I think it’s really showing that in our society, by the time we actually get the gravitas of the situation that we’re in, it’ll be too late.

[18:13] Rosie
Oh God, yes, there’s so many things that you said, and I mean, it really is an outrageously silly film, truly it is. And I believe that that’s part of what these type of allegorical themes in movies like this, play in our lives, especially as conscious spiritual people because we live in the world of higher consciousness and allegory and higher states of being, the desire to evolve and be better people. And so, everybody here listening, and even us, we want the Earth to be healthy, right? We want to have a planet, and for those people that get that, sort of, type of depression, I mean, as far as science is concerned, there’s not a comet that’s near us for the next 100 years. So, as far as that is concerned, yeah, we’re safe in that regard-ish, but I think the reality of the heaviness that you’re talking about, the facing of what is happening all around us, is underlying the fear of dying, the fear of death and the fear of existence, ceasing to be omnipresent. It’s like, dying is already something so scary and thank goodness, we’re born with this temporary amnesia where we can actually live a healthy and happy life without thinking every day like, the catastrophe of our life ending. And so, the metaphor there is really interesting to me because of everything that you’re saying, it’s like, “If I start to think about the heaviness and the reality of our planet being on fire, then it’s going to make me feel debilitated and I’m powerless, and here I am, listening to this conversation that’s giving me anxiety and it’s stressing me out and there’s already so many stresses in the world, why am I now being faced with this?” And I feel that, for some people, that sense of urgency is necessary in order to incite change, to maybe start recycling more, or maybe start to do your part. And maybe for other people it’s like, they want to go the opposite, they want to deny that it’s actually happening because it’s easier for them to cope with the reality. And is that not the case with everything in the world? That’s the case with having healthy relationships in your life or looking for the right partner, finding the right career, or finding the right type of system to lay as your belief curriculum, is that not all the same thing? I think it’s just such an interesting way to, just examine our state of the world, and it’s like, how else to bring to focus the fact that we are living in this utopiaesque, catastrophic, amalgamation of the world that is this comet that’s about to hit us, meanwhile, we have everything that we need to make us happy. This, by the way, we should’ve added like a spoiler alert, I don’t want to give the movie away, if you’ve not watched it, but the final scene, for me, that final dialogue, made it, it was the, sort of, icing on the cake, for me, because – and if you’ve not watched it, you should probably fast-forward this part x15, so that you don’t hear what I’m about to say because then you’ll know the last bit of the movie. So, I’m about to say it – Leonardo DiCaprio’s last line is, oh God, I can’t even remember it exactly…

[22:25] Sahara
“We had it so good, didn’t we?”

[22:28] Rosie
Yeah, “We had it so good, didn’t we?” And, wow! Is that not the truth? And for me, that was the icing on the cake! That made it.

[22:38] Sahara
So, you know that line wasn’t supposed to be in the movie?

[22:40] Rosie
Yeah, no, I heard, yeah, in that interview! It’s the line that actually made the movie. And to me, that’s sort of the theme, that’s the apex of the movie. Here’s the mirror, we have everything already, we have everything we need, and for each of us that have a desire to follow our path or desire more for our lives, or we want to be insiders for change, or we want to be able to make the world a better place, that’s incredible, that’s great, continue on your path, but truly, for those of us who are constantly nit-picking at our life and are living in fear and are afraid of this going wrong or saying the wrong thing or doing the wrong thing, or this or that, it’s stopping us. There’s that fear that comes in where it makes us recoil and go back into our shell of non-experience.
And for me, I think the ultimate loss of life is not experiencing life at all, it’s being in this guarded cocoon of impenetrable experience, where I just want to be safe, I want to do everything in a safe way, I want to deny anything that’s going to bring me displeasure.
And I know that you and I have talked about this before and I think that’s one of my biggest rubs in the world of spirituality, is this whole, sort of, and I don’t want to say denial, but you know, we’ve talked about this, like a spiritual bypass, where we can get into this place of “Well, if I don’t pay attention to it” or “That’s negative thinking so I’m not going to go into that mindset, I’d rather be in the positive mindset and not think about it”, I think that’s great and I think it’s a very nuanced way of being, because I can be in a positive state of being, but I can also understand at an intellectual level that the world is on fire and there are things happening to our ecosystem that is undeniable, but at the same time, I want to do my part and I also want to stay in a positive mindset. And I think that that’s what a lot of conscious people grapple with, “How do I stay conscious? How do I remain in that positive affirming state of being while at the same time, not going into the frequency of fear?” which a lot of our media is based on, right? This sort of info-tainment of terror porn that keeps us watching and people are so addicted to the fear-mongering that happens in mainstream media, right?

[25:44] Sahara
Absolutely! Yeah, and on that line – so, essentially, the last movie, the last line of the film was supposed to be Jennifer Lawrence saying “Well, we tried everything, didn’t we?” and then, boom, the meteor hits, they die. But then, Leonardo DiCaprio just improved, in that scene, he just said “We had everything that we needed, didn’t we?” and they were grappling with “Should we keep that line in the movie, should we not, because it makes it so much more deep and serious?”, and they were trying to also make it like a light satire and playful, but I guess that’s my, maybe, my pickle with the movie. I feel like they could’ve gone a lot more deep, I feel like they could’ve, again…

[26:28] Rosie
Well, because you’re a deep person, so you’re wanting it to all go deep.

[26:31] Sahara
But then I was really thinking, I was like “Okay, if I were those scientists and I saw a meteor that was going to hit Earth”, again, I’m just looking at all perspectives here. I understand why it’s like, the perspective of “I will scream from the top of my lungs and let people know something needs to be done, otherwise this meteor is going to hit Earth and we’re all going to die, and we can’t die! Earth can’t die, humans can’t die!” and coming from that place of death being the worst thing and we need to do something with technology to combat it. And I guess this is where I see people’s issue comes that, that same technology that you want to solve the problem, is the technology that’s creating the problem, right? It’s the technology that’s making us separated and isolated and disconnected from Earth in the first place. So, it’s like, you can’t control innovation, you can’t control the levels of consciousness seeking to expand. As long as human beings are here, the way that we were designed is, we’re going to continue to grow and learn and innovate. And even capitalism, in a way, is innovation from what we used to have, from communism, from egalitarian governments, from monarchies, it’s still an evolution, but what we’re in right now is this late-stage capitalism that’s like a free for all, can you put a cap on that, can you put a cap in saying “You can have technology if it’s doing this but you can’t use technology if it’s doing that?”, then that’s, again, it’s disallowing people’s free will.
And the other perspective I was looking at, was, if I were those scientists and a meteor was genuinely hitting Earth, then maybe that’s the destiny of Earth. Who are we to say that human beings are meant to be here forever? Who are we to say that we need to produce technology to then create life on another planet? If a meteor is hitting Earth and the human race is done, I would say that that’s our destiny, that’s what it’s here to come, and maybe, instead of being so stressed out and kind of like ruining their lives in those six months, you see he has an affair and their mental health goes down, maybe, just enjoying life more and you have that insider look.
And also, one frustrating thing about the movie was their closed throat chakras, I felt like they had such a hard time articulating what they wanted to say. But I think, also, if, let’s say we all got the news of the world was going to end, I think that it would lead to chaos and people loitering etc., so maybe that’s just like your inside knowledge of you know and let people live their lives and maybe the month before, so they can just be free and live their highest expressions that month, maybe a six-month ahead time was like, okay, they would just be no one doing anything. I think the question there is “Who are we to say that humans should live on Earth forever?”

[29:35] Rosie
Yeah. I love that you’re posing that question, it’s such a great question because, yeah, I agree with you, yeah, who are we, why do we get to decide when it goes? I don’t know that it’s for us to determine that.
And another thing that you were saying that just brought to mind, that we didn’t discuss is, there’s a scene where there’s a view from the helicopter, as they’re flying over and seeing the chaos that is ensuing a town, people are losing their mind, and you see the differences, some people are rioting and shooting other people, and they’re really going crazy, and then some people are just spending time with their families and you’re seeing Mother Nature work, you’re seeing these animals just kind of do what they do regardless of the knowledge or not. And there’s also this instinct clip of this orgy happening, I don’t know if you missed it or you see it, that’s like a huge orgy going on and it reminded me of this, of Burning Man.
People go to Burning Man, it’s this post-apocalyptic type of experience where everybody, there’s no money, it’s bartering and by the way, I’ve never been there, this is all the things that I’ve read, and I know you’ve been there before, but it’s sort of this permission to do as you would do if this was, sort of, the end of the world. This is a new world, this is a utopia, how would you behave in this space? And I think it’s really interesting, it’s an interesting question to pose to all humans, it’s, if you knew, if you knew the date and the time when Jennifer Lawrence has a diet app that’s doing the countdown, like your diet is over, and then at the end your diet is over, which, by the way, is a separate, I think of really interesting topic too, where it’s like diet begins or diet ends, that’s when for women, especially, are so affected by this because it’s like “I can’t start living my life until I’m at the weight I want to be; until I have the body that I want.” So, going back to what I was saying before, this knowing when you’re going to die, how does that change anything?
Imagine we came into this world knowing exactly “Oh, okay, this person’s going to die exactly on this date and this is how they’re going to die” or “This person is going to die in 60 years from this condition”, and it’s like, would that change our way of life, would that change the way that we behaved in the world, would that change your trajectory of your career, would it change the things you do every day? And I think that that is also one of these allegorical questions that we are grappling with every day, like, how do you live your life every day knowing that there is an inevitable end for all of us, that’s guaranteed, right?
So, I don’t know, going back to the topic of the countdown being a diet app. What are your thoughts on that? Do you, as women, so I want to kind of just ask this conversation, for women specifically, because talking about the throat chakras, I feel like, even though, yeah, the President was a woman in the film, I felt that a lot of the women were the ones that voices were being stifled, they were definitely being stifled, and even the President was going by the instruction of this, I’m going to call him the Elon Musk character. So, what are your thoughts on that? How did you perceive that?

[33:17] Sahara
Yeah, I mean, I think the diet app represented how we on Earth stifle ourselves, we limit ourselves to expression and enjoying life and most people are defining themselves to their jobs and they’re just in their offices or on their Zoom calls and we’re basically living our lives on a diet, we’re not eating the foods, enjoying the experiences that we want to have. And in fact, maybe they didn’t even realize it, but the diet being over when the world ends is like your soul is free, you’re no longer restricted to this human experience and you’re no longer on the diet of being limited to a human body.

[33:55] Rosie
Yeah. Wow, I love that. That’s great, I like that a lot.

[34:00] Sahara
What do you see?

[34:01] Rosie
Yeah. Well, no, I see it as, again, going back to the idea of it being a mirror to our society, how as, especially as women, we’re very, our bodies are commodity, how we look is our commodity, it’s how we can advertise in the world, it’s how we are being sold things because we are conditioned to believe that we are inadequate, that we are missing certain things. And so, we’re trained to believe that only until we achieve XYZ can we live our life, can we be free, can we be happy, or like “Congratulations, your life can now begin.”
And in a way, I feel that those are the evil forces that we have to combat against, it’s the negative pathology that we have, it’s the fear that we have of not getting to the place that we want to be, when that utopia, that freedom is in us now.
There’s a book that I love, it’s one of my favorite Jack Cornfield books, it’s called “After The Extasy, the Laundry”, and you know, Jack Cornfield talks about how we have these really incredible, enlightening experiences when we’re in these deep states of meditation, for yoga or in Buddhism. In the yoga sutras it talks about this, and so does Buddhism, this nirbija samadhi, it’s the highest state of consciousness.
And so, when we get there, if we ever get there in this lifetime, that’s always the aim, is to achieve the state of bliss, beyond the attachments of worldly things and beyond the attachment of the mind, we get to this really ecstatic enlightened space. But then we have to come back to Earth and move about our daily life, we have to do the laundry, we have bills to pay, we have work to do, we have to be responsible citizens, we have to be kind human beings to other people, and it kept reminding me of those sentiments when I was watching the movie happen because – my favorite was The Morning Show, when they’re at The Morning Show and the host, which is Cate Blanchett and Tyler Perry (I’m like Medea, I can’t remember his name) are the anchors of The Morning Show and Jennifer Lawrence and Leonardo DiCaprio’s characters are on the show basically announcing to the world that the comet is coming and we’re all going to die, and the anchors are both making this light, sort of, joke about it and it was so disinterested and kind of like “Okay, so, yeah, so next we have”, keeping it light, we don’t want to consume anything too heavy, especially on morning shows.
I don’t know if you watched The Morning Show with Jennifer Aniston and Reese Witherspoon, but Tory and I just started watching it, we’re on the second season, it’s hilarious, and it’s funny to watch that and then have watched this movie because the whole morning show – for those of you that don’t watch morning shows, The Today Show Good Morning America, there is this, sort of, really light, playful, not that serious type of stories that happen where it’s a little bit bizarre because it’s like, the state of the world is really intense. Now, there’s two sides to that, we definitely don’t want to wake up and get bad news shoved down our throat, if you want that, you can watch CNN, we don’t necessarily want that experience in the morning, we want to be able to ease into our day and look into the bright side of life, we want to be optimistic, and so, they have really light-hearted types of stories. Occasionally, you might get something about the pandemic, etc. But again, I think there’s two ways of looking at that. There’s the way of “I’m not being in denial, I just want to be able to come into my day and approach the world with the cup half full”, as opposed to “I don’t want to start the day looking at the world as the cup half empty because that’s demoralizing for me, that means I’m going to have to up my medication and it’s really going to be difficult for me, and so, just because I don’t want to go into my day like that, doesn’t mean that I’m a denier of what’s happening in the world. That just means that I want to be able to start my day with funny cat videos”, and that’s okay, there’s nothing wrong with that.
I have an issue when people come in and they’re like “Yeah, but you’re denying, you’re being a – you’re spiritually bypassing the world because you’re not paying attention to all this tragedy porn that’s happening.

[39:33] Sahara
Yeah, that word can really be weaponized against people. It exists and it’s used as a weapon.

[39:38] Rosie
Exactly! And I, again, going back to my favorite word, it’s very nuanced, because I feel like there’s a discernment that needs to happen and there’s way more compassion that we need for each other and for the world. Just because I don’t voice my opinion on something, doesn’t mean I don’t have an opinion. Just because somebody doesn’t say that something is important to them, doesn’t mean, doesn’t imply, that it isn’t important to them.
I think we’ve lost the art of understanding each other and communicating at a deeper level. And I think that that’s another theme that this film brings up.

[40:18] Sahara
Yeah, and I think, you know, when you really go into something like climate change, is, we can hear the stats, and I think all of us, genuinely, want to do what’s best for the planet, but I think a lot of the shame and assumed responsibility falls on the consumer. But we’re in this world right now where most of us don’t live walking distance to a farmer’s market where we can get fresh, organic, regenerative-soiled food in our compostable bag and bring it at home and buy food the next day – most of us don’t live in that world (myself included), especially now, living in Florida, I’m like “Wow, California actually had so many farmer’s markets all over the place”, the closest one is an hour away from me.
So, on top of that, in a pandemic, we’re ordering things online more than ever before because we’re not going into stores. So, I feel like a lot of the responsibility needs to fall under the hands of Amazon and Wholefoods and Walmart and Target, and all these huge corporations, where we, kind of, have no choice but to buy our food, products, everyday goods, from these things, and they’re coming in giant cardboard boxes with so much space in them, and plastic wrap and all of these things that we don’t want, we don’t feel good about, but we need the things, or, at least it’s more convenient for us to have the things.
Yes, we could go off grid and grow our own food and completely live a no-waste lifestyle, and that’s such an amazing thing to do, and there are people doing that, but most people are so busy as it is, that again, to be like “Well, you’re not making your own shampoo from scratch, so you’re the problem”, it’s like, why don’t we have more options for people who are working all the time, they don’t have time to make their own shampoo from scratch every day.
And I feel like, and it kind of showed it a bit that way in the movie, is like, those corporations, they don’t have our best interest in mind, they have their profit dollars in mind. And it’s just like a chicken and egg thing, that, as consumers, until we genuinely boycott and say “I’m not going to buy from you Amazon, until you become more sustainable”, Amazon’s always going to do the thing that’s going to increase their profit margins, and then, we’re going to always go for the best price, and then it just creates this perpetual loop.
So, I think, what I really wish that we could do is more companies stepping up and how can we offer people solutions that are made for them a little bit more convenient than the, doing everything. Growing your food from scratch is no joke, people are like “Yeah, I’m just going to live off grid in Costa Rica!” Trust me, if you’ve ever interacted with a farmer, that is a full-time job in itself.
So, you know, that’s what I feel like was missing, it’s not that we haven’t got it, it’s that our lives have become so busy because we’re required to work for every single thing that we buy, so we need to choose the convenient options, which come from corporations that don’t honor the Earth.

[43:19] Rosie
Yeah, I love what you’re saying because I feel like that that is the next iteration of what we, as the consumer, because we forget how much power we have, we have power. The people that are out there complaining about certain policies etc., your dollars matter, how you spend your money matters.
I’ve always seen that and thought it was quite interesting that we feel, at times, so powerless, but the power of the dollar is real and the power of the dollar in mass can actually make a huge difference. So, I think that us, as a consumer, we start requiring more of that change. I think that big corporations have no choice than to listen to the people who are their dollar, the people who are the ones that are consuming. But I feel like, for that, people have to have the knowledge, they have to have the desire to want that change.
And, yeah, I totally agree – you know, I have a hard time too with some of those types of things or some of the – there’s certain accounts that I follow that really dive deep into – for example, the world of lowering EMFs and meanwhile, Hawking products that have EMF. Here, help combat the EMFs in the air by buying this electric device, that is the type of stuff where I’m like, I have that “Err? What? I don’t…, Okay, wait… but I trust you”, but that doesn’t make sense to me. And I find it’s a hard terrain to navigate, especially right now when there are a lot of conceptual products, and this is a conversation I have with Tory a lot because, you know, I like to have my rose quartz infused water, and somebody else might be like “Okay, come on! You’re really going the extra?” and I’m like “Hey, is it a conceptual product if, for me, it works and I really feel that it’s working for me? What is the harm in that?” So, I feel like there’s also a little bit of that placebo effect that does take root, that you shouldn’t shame other people for having. It’s like, I have a ritual every morning that I do, and I have mantras that I do every morning, and I have my little routine. Somebody else might look at it and be like “Okay”, right before we started, I was burning polo santo, somebody might say “Okay, why are you doing that?” or “It’s not doing anything”, but for me, energetically, it does. So, does it work, does it not work? If I believe it does, then it does, for me, it might not work for you. But I feel that that is where it gets very controversial because people get into this place of righteousness where all of a sudden, now, I’m a part of the problem because I’m burning this polo santo, you know what I’m saying? I think we just have grown so far away from what you said in the beginning, creating more of a community and creating more understanding. Understand the word understand means to stand under. And so, for us, to actually be able to stand under the other and see their perspective, and see what is working for them, and see how we can serve the other, is a lost art, because we’re so focused on our own selfish agenda. And I think that, ultimately, yeah, this goes back to this film about how we are these, sort of, apathetic beings navigating this world. That my anihilistic answer for the day, by the way.

[47:37] Sahara
I love that! And, yeah, I think it’s both, and we can just keep on saying that, for example, I think about my grandma, and she used to buy all of these plastic bottles of water because that’s just was she was used to, that’s what she bought, and I’m like “You don’t need to buy a case of water bottles for yourself at home, get a water pitcher”, and I’m trying to explain to her but it’s almost like she just didn’t really get it or she’s like “Oh, come on, do you know how many people at Costco buy these?” And I think a lot of times it’s the “Oh, well, I can buy clothes, do you see how many clothes the Kardashians are buying?” or “I can do this thing because, look, other people are doing it”, and it becomes this “Oh, well, I don’t want to suffer, I don’t want to be the one not to get what I want when everyone else is wasting, so why not me?”
But even me just explaining it again to my grandma, got her to buy a Berkey water filter that she uses now. So, it is those little things that do make a difference. Will I say that one thing will make the difference between climate change or not? No.
I think what happens, also, is then, it’s like “Oh, you want to talk about plastic bottles? What about the fish in the ocean? Oh, you want to talk about the fish in the ocean? What about the meat? What about the crystal mines? What about the polo santo?” and it becomes this – and then that’s when people get into the despair of like “Oh shit, there’s no way I could do enough because even these crystals came from a mine in Africa.” And that’s where it comes from, but at the same time, even one little thing is better than nothing.
And the other point that you made of our beliefs – at the end of the day, if it works for us, it works for us. At the end of the movie, Jennifer Lawrence’s little skateboard boyfriend, which might be a lot of Steven (my husband’s) crew of – they were kind of the progressive liberals, I would say, whereas Leonardo DiCaprio’s character was more of like that scientific liberal. And going back to the feminist thing too, before I forget, I feel like Jennifer Lawrence’s character, being silenced, was purposeful to show that when a woman says it, no one lessons.

[49:52] Rosie
Or they make her look crazy.

[49:53] Sahara
Yeah, they call you crazy because you’re getting emotional, whereas if a guy says something, he’s the sexiest man on earth. And I also think, Leonardo DiCaprio’s character, he wasn’t likeable, he was cheating on his wife, he was an opportunist, he became super egotistical and power-hungry, that it also shows that even these people that you would say are scientists or a doctor, or someone that you put on the pedestal, they’re not perfect either, they can also get bought out or caught into their trips as well. I feel like they were sort of talking a little bit about Fauci in his character of the scientist that we all love and glamourize and applause, even he got some skeletons in the closet.
So, but back to Jennifer Lawrence’s boyfriend, when the world was ending, he’s like “Can I lead a prayer?” And it just shows, in those moments, when the meteor was hitting, you see that Shaman in the mountains and he’s doing his rituals, that gave me chills of just like, at the end of the day, all we have are our practices, all we have are our beliefs. And even if we all go to the same fate, which is death, it’s how do you want to go out?

[50:59] Rosie
Yeah. Ah, that’s so good! That’s so true! But what you were saying, too, about your grandma. It’s a different time, a different time where that generation, like my parent’s generation, they believed and trusted the government, they could not believe that the government or people, if they saw it in the media, if everybody else was doing it, that meant that it was okay. We went from being overly trusting to now not trusting everything, and having this huge disparity between what is fact and what is not fact, what is information, what is disinformation. We’ve gone the complete opposite of the spectrum where it’s like, before, yeah, 1950s, 1960s, you would see ads of doctors smoking cigarettes and how cigarettes were good for you, and now it’s like they cause cancer and this is really bad. And so, where is the line, where do we go? People always want to look to the powers that be, to guide them to their highest good. And so, I feel like both are bad, you can’t be overly trusting, you also can’t trust anyone or anything at all, you have to be able to exercise your own, what is your own – going back to what you were saying, your own belief, what are your beliefs, what are your values, and does that serve the highest good, does it serve your highest good? Do you care about the highest good of your community or are you just concerned about your own self, you and your own people, and you want to build this private utopia and this self-sustaining ranch somewhere and you don’t want to worry about what anybody else is doing. Is that good? And I’m not saying it’s good or bad, I’m just posing the question. Is that the right way?
And I even hate to use words that are opposing, like right and wrong, I feel that that also – you know, our language, the English language is such a dichotomy. We’ve built this language that is very, I think we’ve talked about this before, at some point we had this discussion, it’s like the English language is a very polarizing language. And so, even looking at our language, right and wrong, black and white, this or that, where is the middle, where is that grey, where is our playing field where we are both equal, where can both just listen and be with each other? I don’t have to convince you of anything, you don’t have to convince me of anything, we can just be in that deep state of love and connection.

[54:01] Sahara
There is a scene in the movie where there was a film director where they made a documentary on the comet and he had the arrows pointing up and down and he’s like “It’s all about the nuance. Don’t look up, don’t look down, both sides need to come together”, I felt so called out because it’s totally us in our world of like “Hey, we’re not here to polarize, we see all perspectives.” And I could also see the aggravation of someone that’s like “Dude, the world is ending, this is not the thing to take sides on, the world is ending.” But at the same time, it’s like, did you scream at the top of your lungs, getting yourself angry, creating more division, did that create a better ending?

[54:40] Rosie

[54:43] Sahara
I don’t think it did. You could see, as time got closer to their demise, shit just got more chaotic. And I think, at the same time, those people who maybe did go away and just spend time at home with their family or be in their community or go back to earth and nature, maybe they were doing the best thing for them?

[55:04] Rosie
Yeah. Yeah. You’re right, you’re absolutely right. I love when people come to me and they’re asking me what I believe or who am I, what am voting on, what am I doing, and I’m just like “Why does it matter to you? Tell me why it matters to you?” I’ll tell you what I believe in, I’ll tell you what my stance is, and what my stances are I have no problem sharing that, I just feel that what we need to do is feel more empowered within ourselves to feel encouraged and supported enough to share our own beliefs and our own truths. And I feel like so many of us are just wanting to be told what to do, it’s like “Okay, you’re posing a problem, tell me what to do, how do I fix it? If you’re going to give me terror porn, what do I need to do?”
This is the big issue I have with mainstream media, and for me it’s like, CNN, you know, because I’ve seen the, sort of, evolution of this specific news channel, if we want to name a channel, but it’s like, every source of information wants to continue to feed you information, and that is not bad, I’m not saying it’s bad, but I’m not saying it’s good. I’m saying, everybody who wants to be proven right – let me say it like this: There’s this thing that I would always tell people because I really believe it, and I’ve said this to Tory so many times – if you go looking for it, you will always find what you’re looking for. Always, guaranteed! That is the truth of the highest order. You want to find something, you want to corroborate your belief, I guarantee you, you will find a YouTube video that will corroborate it, guaranteed!
But to me, the truth is the truth. There’s just certain things that are just truth through and through and there’s certain things that we can’t prove and will never prove and there’s certain things that in our lifetime, we’ll never know for sure. So, what do you know for sure? I think it goes back from the external expression to the internal expression. The subtle body system, the first three chakras, root, are the one for our sexual center, Svadhishthana, Manipura chakra, they’re all how we relate to the external world. So, the first three chakras are how we relate to our external environment; the higher four, heart, throat, third eye, crown, are how we relate to the internal environment. There’s a reason for that, there’s a reason why we have both, there’s a reason why we have the ability to discern between this and that, there’s a reason why we have two sides of the brain, we have the left side of the brain, we have the right side of the brain.
I feel that a part of our journey is to discover what is going to ground us into the reality of the world, and it’s so hard for me to even say that because it’s like “Well, what is the reality that you want to create? What is the reality that you want to create?” Because, like I said, if I stand true to the highest order of the truth that I just said, that if I want to prove my truth, I can absolutely corroborate it, we all can. We can all corroborate whatever reality we want to create. And for some people that’s very exciting and for other people it’s terrifying, because we’ve seen this historically. We’ve seen wars fought because people have created their world view and the opposing world view, we’ve seen the destruction of the opposition. And unfortunately, I don’t have an answer, I’m posing just a bunch of questions and I’m just saying that we have the equipment to discern, that’s really my point, but, I mean, we can have this conversation for hours and hours, going in circles.

[59:31] Sahara
Yes! I think a lot of it, too, is that tug and war between free will and destiny of like, is it genuinely our destiny to be the last generation that lives on planet Earth or is it our destiny to use our free will to fight against these destructive forces that are destroying planet Earth? Which one? I don’t know! I could argue for both sides and we could back and forth.

[1:00:04] Rosie
Yeah, back and forth. Same, yeah, totally!

[1:00:08] Sahara
Because, genuinely, if everything is spirit, everything is consciousness and all things happen for a reason, and I’m not saying that that’s the perspective or not, but that’s a perspective out there, is, maybe we are the crew to just be in the peace out of planet Earth and that’s it, and we’re just like “Wow, it was really good here!”
And maybe humans, just like dinosaurs, are going to become extinct? It’s not maybe, we are, eventually, no species is going to live forever. And then, in a few thousand years, which they even show at the end of the movie, Earth looks like an entirely different thing. It was like this beautiful psychedelic colorful world, it actually better than here, and then a new species will have their time on stage to create whatever dharma they’re here to create, and who knows how it will go?
So, is the lesson here to be learned, to stand up and to say “No, we’re disconnected from Earth, we need to go back to Earth?” I think so. Is the lesson to be learned that we’re here to enjoy this world and not spend all of our time fighting? I think so. Can those two perspectives live in harmony? I hope so.

[1:01:21] Rosie
Yeah! Me too! Yeah, I hope so, I pray every day for that being the case. I look at it from the perspective of, I have to dilute some of these big topics sometimes because I just can’t deal. My heart just can’t deal with some of the stuff that’s going out and going on in the world, I just don’t understand it.
Especially growing up in an environment like I did, growing up and seeing gang violence, seeing brown on brown gang violence, and not understanding that at all. And I think, for me, I have to go to this place of if I see somebody that needs help – I was at the grocery store, I had my little cart and I’m like going to my car and I open the tail gate and I started to put things in and I see this little older lady who was struggling to get her walker thing, her little stroller, walker, out of her back seat, and she opened her door, her roller thing was in the back seat, she opened the door and I saw her kind of holding herself up on the door, I could tell that she was in a lot of pain and she was reaching with her right hand and trying to pull it out, and I could tell it’s a heavy thing, so I walked over there and I was like “Oh, can I help you” and she was like “Yes. I had just had surgery and I didn’t have anybody to help me today and I don’t have any more food in my refrigerator so I decided to just come to the grocery store.” So, I was like “Yeah, okay, let me help you”, so I help her pull the little walker out and I started to unfold it and kind of help her get on it, and she was just like “Oh, thank you, thank you so much, you remind me of my granddaughter and bless you, thank you so much”, and she was just kind of going on and I kind of see her and like should I go and help her get her groceries, I didn’t know at what point, how far I needed to go. But I helped her and I was like “Are you okay, do you need help” and she’s like “No, I got this, the hardest part is just getting it out”, and I’m like “Okay.” So, she goes and in and stuff, she closed the door and off she goes, and I pull out and then I see all these stickers on her car and I’m like “Oh, that’s interesting”, I didn’t think anything of it, it’s like “Okay, so we don’t vote the same”, but that didn’t stop me from helping this woman. And it’s like, had I seen these stickers before, it still wouldn’t have stopped me from helping her. Do you see what I’m saying? I feel like that’s the part that we miss, where it’s like, I don’t stop and ask somebody what their beliefs are before I help them or ask them if they need something. I think that that’s sort of where the position that we’re in now, there’s so much of like “Oh, what do you believe?” or “Who do you follow?”, or, where all of a sudden it changes our perspective on the person and it takes us away from our innate humanity of wanting to be loving and wanting to be in community. That’s why I said in the beginning, I’m like “I don’t want to agree with everybody. I don’t want to have everybody think the same thing. I don’t want to surround myself around people that just will repeat everything like I am.”
In a sense yeah, it feels nice, it’s like “Yeah, I want to be surrounded by like-minded people, I don’t want the opposition”, of course that feels nice, being in a place of non-confrontation, yes, of course that feels nice. It feels great when you can go to a family reunion and everybody’s having the same discussion about the other and everybody agrees and everybody’s so happy, but it’s like, I don’t know, I just feel that we’re not built that way, we’re built to understand the paradox that is life, we have the tools, we just have to use them. And I think it’s like your body, if you don’t use, you lose it. So, anyway, those are my final thoughts.

[1:06:00] Sahara
I love that. I definitely think that the eco-chamber is real and that we do end up following the people who think exactly that we do, and the moment that someone, it’s like we have these lists of beliefs, and the moment that someone doesn’t believe in one of the beliefs, they’re out!
I have people like “I used to listen to your Podcast but you said this one thing on this one episode and you are over for me”, and it’s just like, wow, how do you have friends, how do you date, how do you do anything in this world where everyone has to believe in all of your agreements?
And I think what’s missing, again, is conversations like this where we’re both in a container and we can talk about something with the grounds of we don’t need to agree but we’re going to respect each other. I think what happens is like, we’re on social media where that container is not set, there is no shared intentionality and then everyone’s just on a microphoned hodge-podging their views and no one’s really listening and it’s almost like – you know when someone comments something to you on social media like “I didn’t like what you said”, even if they had a point, because they came at you, it makes you be like “Screw you!” We need to have face-to-face dialogues, and that’s going into the metaverse conversation. That’s my thing about this whole metaverse world that we’re trying to enter, it’s like, we don’t even know how to have a human conversation let alone our avatars be having this conversation and be even further disconnected from each other’s humanity. There’s no picture on the other side, so, I’m looking forward to that movie.

[1:07:35] Rosie
Yeah! I know, it’s like, such a, oh man, you know how I feel about the disembodied statements. Steven Cutler, who I consider a great mentor of mine, I really love his writing, and I’ve done his mentorship writing course and he said one thing that really helped me anchor in to my own sort of core beliefs about social media. And he basically said “Don’t take the blame or the praise”, so, I equal them both the same. I’m the type of person that has to have an embodied experience with another, if they don’t agree with me or if they talk shit about my podcast or whatever, or something I said or something I posted, that’s fine, everybody’s going to have an opinion. And yeah, it’s in the approach, how you approach, all of a sudden people, they have brave thumbs and they sort of come at you in a way that they wouldn’t do in front of your face. And I feel like that’s, unfortunately, one of the biggest pitfalls I find on social media, that they don’t – it’s hard because it’s like they don’t really protect creators like that, they’ve not created a system where you can’t have a nuanced conversation, you can’t comment on other people, but at the same time it’s like it gives you this access that makes people feel entitled. They feel like they’re entitled to you because they consume your content, therefore, you’re their employee. And I just feel like “Man, we need to fucking get our shit in check”, because, let me tell you something, that is not the way the world works and for people out there that feel the burning desire to share something, do it in a mindful way and do it in a way that’s going to serve the highest good. And if you think that serving the highest good is you attacking somebody else, then you’re not, obviously, functioning from your highest self, therefore, you probably need to listen more to this Podcast. Because, that really bothers me a lot, you know how I feel about that, I won’t stand for it, I have major boundaries when it comes to that because I just feel that it’s so unnecessary, it’s so uncalled for, that people feel that their opinion is more important than yours, or how they feel, it’s like “Okay, I’m not going to follow you anymore, and I felt compelled to tell you why, because you said this or you allude” – my favorite one was “You alluded to XYZ”, and it’s like, “Okay! Sorry! I’m not sorry!” It’s like, okay, so I alluded to something, I didn’t offend anybody and if you’re offended for something that I alluded to, I would love to have a conversation. But then there have been times where, like, “I don’t want to talk to this person, this person is obviously unstable and I don’t wish to give them anymore time or energy”.
So, I think it’s, I don’t know, it’s a really interesting place to be in, for people to feel that compelled to throw stones, because that’s what it is, it’s a modern-day stoning, and I think people really need to do their history and do a little bit more self-inquiry before they decide to throw that stone at somebody.

[1:11:45] Sahara
Absolutely! Yeah, I noticed that Instagram, now, when you message someone that you’ve never messaged before, or haven’t messaged in a long time, has this little thing that’s like “Our community guidelines are to be kind to each other”. I don’t know, maybe that will stop someone, a really angry person who throws and sending a hate message, but chances are, those people are the ones with private profiles, who don’t put themselves out there and are just spewing hate.
And I guess, again, we can get into this loop hole of like, those are probably people who don’t have a place that they could have a conversation and are not feeling heard, and they feel the need to – they probably had a parent who really asserted themselves and they think that’s how you are being helpful or doing the right, morally just thing.
So, so much more to be discussed in a future podcast on that.

[1:12:31] Rosie
Oh yeah!

[1:12:36] Sahara
Alright. Where can listeners connect with you further and get your new book “Radically Loved”, which we’re going to do another podcast soon, all about?

[1:12:43] Rosie
I’m going to be on your Podcast once a month! The name of the book is called “You Are Radically Loved” and it’s a healing journey to self-love, I almost forgot my little subtitle there. You can go to just my website radicallyloved.com and you can follow me on Instagram @rosieacosta and that’s it. I’m excited to hear what everybody thought about this conversation actually.

[1:13:12] Sahara

[1:13:13] Rosie
Even the people who did not like it, you can, mindfully, send me a DM and if it’s a good conversation, maybe we could have it.

[1:13:28] Sahara
Yeah! And I think, use this as a conversation starter in your life, with the people around you with maybe who you are wanting to dive deeper, and maybe you guys both watch this movie or you share this Podcast with them and have the discussion from there because that’s what we really need, especially people who are actively in each other’s lives, family members, spouses, friends, that’s where it starts. If we can’t have those conversations there, we can’t have them in a public forum, let alone with total strangers.
So, I hope this opened up the dialogue for these very important topics.
So, thank you so much for being here, Rosie!

[1:14:01] Rosie
Thanks for having me!

[1:14:02] End of Interview

[1:14:03] Sahara
I hope that conversation opened up some portals of dialogue and conversation and curiosity for you, which is just so important at this time.

[1:14:12] Sahara
And if you’re looking for more spiritually aligned friends who want to dive deep, who want to explore the meaning of life, and want to dance, enjoy and celebrate the time that we have here, then come join us in Rose Gold Goddesses!
This is my Divine Feminine Mystery School, we are opening doors up this January, for one week only, so if you’re interested in joining us for our annual curriculum which is so juicy, so many incredible teachers, guests, workshops, Goddess circles, rituals, all of that good-ish, plus, we are planning our in-person retreat in Miami, for members only.
So, if you want in on all of this, head over to rosegoldgoddesses.com you can join the wait list there and I’m soul excited to see you inside. Again, that’s rosegoldgoddesses.com you can find that link in the show notes.

[1:14:59] Sahara
I hope you enjoyed this conversation and I’ll see you in the next one. Namaste!

Episode 409: Our Insight On The Movie Don’t Look Up with Rosie Acosta
By Sahara Rose


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