Signs and Symptoms of Spiritual Awakening

Discover how to reach the state of being that helps us see beyond what our eyes can see, spiritual awakening symptoms and signs


Have you ever felt like you are about to enter a new phase of life? Does it feel like everything around you is about to change?

Watch out, you might be on the precipice of your spiritual awakening!


What is Spiritual Awakening?

A person who has not been exposed to their spiritual side may not know their true purpose in life, their dharma.

Spiritual awakening is a state of being that helps us see beyond what our eyes can see. It makes you believe in the power of the universe, helps you understand the basics of being, and makes you feel more open to these truths about life. We live our lives thinking that power, fame, and money are essential to achieving ultimate happiness, but we are not. Worldly things cannot make us happy for long. Happiness cannot come from outside. It is built into you. To find it, you have to look inside yourself.

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There are three stages of spiritual awakening.

  • The first step will help you feel comfortable and still in your surroundings. We live in the present without worrying about what will happen in the future or what happened in the past.
  • In the second step, you can establish a connection with the environment. You feel in tune with your surroundings. You can find joy in the most ordinary things in life and feel one with nature.
  • The third and final stage of enlightenment leads you to believe that you are the same as the things around you, that is, you are “everything” and “everything” is within you.
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Want help in finding your soul’s purpose? Then tune into Sahara’s free Discover Your Purpose Masterclass.


Actions to Begin Your Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual awakening can be achieved by anyone. Each of us is unique in our approaches to all things spiritual, so the ways we get there may differ. But here are a few things that helped me progress in my spiritual awakening.

1. Let go of the self.

If we think rationally about the unevolved self, we can understand that it is only a mere product of our negative thinking. The ego can sometimes destroy relationships and make us very bitter about life. Let go of negative emotions and embrace a positive mind and humility. You need to understand that those feelings can hurt your relationship for the rest of your life.

2. Be honest with yourself

It is important to be honest with others but being true to yourself is one of the most important principles of spiritual enlightenment. This may seem difficult at first, but it can come easily once you start your spiritual journey.

3. Let go of your fears

We are often afraid to act out of our own fears. You have to accept our fears. Don’t let them overwhelm you. Spiritually enlightened people do not let their fears affect them but do what their heart or mind tells them is right.

4. Learn to forgive.

You can get hurt when people don’t live up to your expectations, and you can hold them accountable for your despair. But if you hold grudges without forgiving others, your heart hurts more than anyone else. Be reconciled to others and to yourself; forgive and forget.

5. Let go of material desires.

The sooner you acknowledge that these cannot make you happy, the closer you will be to spiritual enlightenment. Worldly things only give momentary happiness. But separation from worldly things does not necessarily mean that we live a lonely life without any luxury. It just means that our happiness does not depend on material things.

6. Meditation

For many years, people have tried meditation to achieve spiritual enlightenment. Meditation is a great way to disconnect from the world and reach a state of flow where you can become self-aware.

Recommended for you: A Guide to Chakra Meditation

7. Yoga

Another way to attain enlightenment is yoga. Yoga is a great way to not only feel healthy but also to achieve peace of mind and peace of mind. Regular yoga practice will help you disconnect from the world and focus on your inner voice and thoughts.

8. Travel

Travel can also help you gain spirituality. Because when we travel to new places, we enter a state of physical meditation where we can connect with our inner self and our soul, as our environment changes. Here are a few of my favorite places to travel to.

Recommended for you: 7 Dreamy Destinations That’ll Relax Your Mind and Body

9. Learn to Love

Love is one of the most powerful emotions in the world, and there is nothing in this world that the power of true love cannot achieve. You need to practice self-love and compassion, love those close to you, and love the Earth that surrounds you. Love creates strong feelings of stillness and peace, which helps to attain spiritual enlightenment.


Eight Signs of Spiritual Awakening

1. Stark Changes in Your Behavior

Perhaps the most important and sure sign of spiritual awakening is seen in our daily actions. Compulsive, neurotic, and addictive behavior are all signs that point towards a stagnating soul. Spirits or higher selves have no such tendency.

The soul is now whole and complete and therefore does not seek to satisfy basic needs. So, moment by moment, feeling this fullness or normality is a good sign of spiritual awakening. And as a result, this becomes your normal, and you can be genuinely kind (and less reactive) to others.

2. A Healthier Emotional Balance

Repressed emotional traumas are perhaps the main barrier that prevents a spiritual awakening. By healing emotional trauma from your past, you can heal those wounds and feel deeper and more authentic.

As you begin to feel more and open yourself to all the possibilities of emotional connection, this emotional stream affects all areas of your life. We strive to become more genuine people instead of clinging to any stereotype.

Therefore, there is less resistance to emotions (even negative emotions that you hated feeling). Instead of comforting yourself and running away from your emotions, you increase your willingness to face emotions such as fear, anger, and guilt.

3. A Tendency to Slow Down and Make Time for Self-Reflection

In order to understand the present, it is necessary to turn back and introspect. This reflection is challenging today due to the high speed at which our life tends to run. There is a desire for achievement, performance, and peak productivity, but it soon becomes a symptom of neurosis. When we undergo spiritual awakening, laziness can be our friend.

Another key symptom of spiritual awakening is slowing down and starting to reflect more often. The urge to understand yourself and your own behavior become stronger within you. In Buddhism, one of the core principles of inner peace is to pause and reflect on oneself.

Reflection helps us access the repressed memories of the unconscious mind, which often manifests into our current irrational behavior. However, this introspection isn’t meant to judge, condemn, or criticize ourselves. Our soul is neutral and curious.

4. A Shift in Priorities and Values

Finding authority within ourselves changes our values. Religion provides a moral code based on a system of rules. “Don’t do this. Don’t do that.” But now, we can develop a personal ethical framework for evaluating what serves us in our life. The unevolved soul cannot do this because it is driven by basic needs. Only the higher self can do this.

This shift to higher spiritual values causes our behavior to change during spiritual awakening. Maslow calls these spiritual values “existing values” or B-values and includes wholeness, fulfillment, justice, vitality, beauty, truth, and self-sufficiency, which are vital for every spiritual being.

5. A Deeper Connection with Your Inner Self

In an ordinary person’s waking state, their ego is almost entirely focused on the outside world. Work, money, achievements, family, friends, and social life are all vital parts of our growth as spiritual beings.

Another sign of spiritual awakening is a deep transition from this outer world to the inner realm of thoughts, emotions, dreams, and imagination. In Buddhism, this dimension is called the subtle world and is considered more real than the waking state.

6. A Deeper Understanding of Opposite Forces

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Most of us have a rather stubborn, fundamentalist mind that sees things in black and white. Red and blue, Democrats and Republicans, men and women, good and bad, left and right…

To avoid the ambiguity and confusion that has become a part of our lives, we block out one side and exclusively identify with the other. For example, as parents, we may think that we love our children unconditionally without acknowledging the source of our hatred and resentment towards them.

And while separation from a pair of opposites seems to relieve tension in our ego, in fact, it only strengthens our shadows. With our spiritual awakening, we begin to maintain a tension of opposition within ourselves, putting us on the path to mental perfection.

7. We Chase Our Dharma

When you start finding more power from the inside, there is a willingness to be radically more honest. We shed our inhibitions, our fear, our insecurities, as we chase our dharma.

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8. We Change Our Lifestyle

Another sign of spiritual awakening is that you start to be very careful with your lifestyle choices. Many of the “normal” things we used to do are now unacceptable.

For example, you may notice your concern about environmental impact increasing as your connection to the world grows. Ethics are now more important than convenience

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Want help in finding your soul’s purpose? Then tune into Sahara’s free Discover Your Purpose Masterclass.



The Causes of Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual Awakening is a process that can be triggered by just about anything that shakes the very foundation of who you are. What are the most common triggers?

Triggers can range from traumatic experiences to simple, small life changes that, for some reason, grab our attention and force us to see things from a new perspective.

One of the common triggers is the death of a loved one and the resulting suffering (it doesn’t have to be death; it can be any kind of loss).

As a result, people start looking for answers. We tend to seek answers to the unknown when we have very painful experiences. The little things that bothered us before don’t matter after that.

It can be a joyous occasion, like having a child.

Such events make a huge difference in the lives of parents and the whole family. It becomes a trigger, a sign that it is time to change priorities and change perceptions. People start looking for answers, not questions.


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It turns out that almost every spiritual awakening is accompanied by the inner turmoil and suffering of life.

A person goes through a transitional stage between their vision of the world and their inner values. They begin to question themselves, their beliefs, and their perceptions of the world. Everything seems to be upside down.

This is a moment when you need an account of all these changes that have happened to you and your life.


The Effects of Spiritual Awakening

Here are some of the many benefits of spiritual awakening that I noticed in my life.

  • A feeling of oneness with the cosmos
  • An increased state of self-consciousness.
  • Live a meaningful life.
  • You become more peaceful and calmer.
  • Have more empathy and compassion for others.
  • Your spiritual energy connects easily with everything.
  • Negative emotions no longer affect you


How Long Does a Spiritual Awakening Last?

A spiritual awakening is an experience that isn’t meant to be confined to time limits. Some people may take a few hours, others may take years. There is no competition here.

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Whatever your pace may be, it is okay, sun child! There is no rush here. Take your own time and enjoy the journey to spiritual awakening. As a spiritual coach, I’m always here to help!

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With gratitude, 

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