What is the meaning of Dharma?

The simplest dharma definition is that dharma is your soul’s purpose. Discover dharma on a deeper level here.



What is dharma?

This is the best dharma definition you will find. “The word dharma is an ancient Sanskrit word that refers to your soul’s purpose—the big reason why you are here,” Sahara says. “And it’s not just what you do, but how you do it, and why you do it. Your dharma is not a career, or a project, or a certain role you play. It’s the unique vibration that your soul carries to everything that you do and every way that you are.” For instance, someone’s dharma can be to bring beauty to the world, and how they do it can look in so many different ways, such as through being an artist, an interior designer, or a hairstylist.

“Your dharma is not a career, or a project, or a certain role you play. It’s the unique vibration that your soul carries to everything that you do and every way that you are.”

                ~ Sahara Rose, Ayurveda expert


If you’re not living your dharma, Sahara says you may experience feelings of being stuck—like you’re taking action, but not really moving forward. The future doesn’t excite you. You’re surviving rather than thriving. This, she says, can be accompanied by feelings of anxiety, depression, unworthiness, or just feeling off. When you are living your dharma, Sahara says, you experience feelings of satisfaction with the way you are expressing and sharing your unique gifts, and you know you’re touching the lives you are meant to touch.



So this was the most simplified dharma definition.

This blog is a part of a comprehensive guide to dharma. Click here to know more about dharma

Recommended for you: Find out your dharma archetype using my free Dharma Archetype Quiz

Learn More:
Need help in finding your soul’s purpose? Then tune into Sahara’s free Discover Your Purpose Masterclass.


Lots of love,

sahara rose sign

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