Welcome To The Up-levels! (Are You Feeling It Too?)

Your were born with a purpose and that is your dharma.

You can feel it in your bones.. but most of us ignore the nudge.

“You know, I’m too busy.”

“Mercury retrograde is coming up.”

“I have too many responsibilities.”

“It’s too late.”


Then we end up sitting on the bottom of this mountain range, so badly wondering what the peak feels like, instead of beginning the trek.


Your dharma is a mountain range


Your climb makes you stronger and that prepares you to get through any road block


It’s not just one summit.. It’s not just one goal.


It’s to constantly stay in alignment with your truth.


As you climb, you get stronger.
You learn the terrain and get blisters on your feet and the blisters heal themselves.


Your commitment to your vision fuels you through.


Then finally you make it to the first peak, look out to where you once were and praise yourself for how far you’ve come with your two feet and how magical this Earth is from another perspective and how much you would’ve missed out on had you not begun this trek.


And you continue.


That is the purpose of life


That is why we humans have drive


That is what has made us humans take a rock and turn it into a wheel and turn it into a pyramid and turn it into a civilization


This is how we found meaning in the stars


This is how we found patterns in the plants


This is how we found stories in our lives


This is how we created all alchemy.


Imagine if those humans said, “You know what, it’s not really a good time for me to start building those pyramids because I still have a whole season of Game of Thrones to watch.. Plus there may be a Kaleesi spin off so I gotta just keep my schedule open in case that happens..”


No. They WERE the Game of Thrones.


They kept building. They kept creating. They kept inspiring.


You carry these same codes.


When you are in alignment with your truth, they reveal.


Let’s navigate this together.

New Highest Self Podcast Episodes To Activate Your Soul


257: The Limiting Belief That Is Plaguing The Spiritual Community with Sahara Rose
258: You’re Not Crazy—You’re Awakening with Amber Valdez
259: Welcome to the Uplevels with Sahara Rose
260: Turning Your Pain Into Your Purpose with Jenna Phillips-Ballard


Click here to listen on iTunes, Spotify, Soundcloud or Youtube.


Calling All My Entrepreneurs/ Entrepreneurs in Training: If you’d like to receive mentorship by me, I’d like you to apply for my Together We Empress Mastermind, the mastermind for soul-centered women with mission-driven businesses. Click here to learn more! 



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