Do you ever notice patterns in people? Discover the reason behind it in this complete guide on the 7 universal archetypes.
The patterns in people, the similar characteristics, These are called archetypes, or universal archetypes which are essentially personality types.
The English term “archetype” comes from the Greek root words archein, meaning “original or old”; and typos, meaning “pattern, model or type”. Together they mean “original pattern” of which all other similar persons, objects, or concepts are derived, copied, modeled, or emulated
Universal archetypes have existed since the Vedic times- the Gods and Goddesses are archetypes; the Ayurvedic Doshas are archetypes; Traditional Chinese Medicine relates each element to an archetype; the Shamanic elements relate to archetypes and their societies were based on them; nearly every ancient culture had an archetypal system. Universal archetypes also play a large role in today’s psychological understanding. Freud classified 12 common universal archetypes and many others have created their own unique versions.
Take this free quiz to find out your Dharma Archetype
My entire life, I’ve always been fascinated by archetypes. As a child, I was obsessed with taking personality quizzes and observing the patterns that existed across all people. I was always the relationship helper for everyone and even gave my parents and their friends’ life advice. It is in my dharma, or life’s purpose, to spread the work of psychological and spiritual archetypes amongst the masses and it’s actually what drew me to Ayurveda, which I discuss in this podcast episode. (By the way, if you haven’t pre-ordered my book, The Idiot’s Guide to Ayurveda, make you sure order it here while it’s discounted pre-release—Deepak Chopra wrote my foreword!)
Deep in my spiritual journey, while living in Bali when I was reevaluating everything in LIFE (talk about a serious Kundalini awakening), I came across a system of universal archetypes that shook me to my core. It was like everything I ever thought about people, souls, dharmas, life purposes, human needs, classified into a beautifully organized system. This system is called Michael Teachings.
In the early 1970s, a group of souls who was later called Michael revealed the secrets of the universe through an Ouija board. Read more about the history of the Michael Teachings here.
If you like listening over reading, you can listen to episode 5 of my podcast, based on universal archetypes.
This soul said, “The name we are called is Michael. That is a convenience and not a truth. Only a small fragment of this entity had that name. We are integrated fragments of a larger entity and we come to you from the Causal plane.
To be exact, the group consists of precisely 1,050 souls who have all completed their own process of reincarnation.
We have been artists, bankers, barters, barristers, comedians, cemetery guards, dilettantes, governors, guards in many shapes and sizes, grave diggers, horsemen, jugglers and clowns, lute players, maids, mercenaries, merchants, misanthropes, military strategists, noblemen and women, peasants, priests, prostitutes, rebels, revolutionaries, robbers, students, teachers, temptresses, viceroys, waifs, and witnesses to the most unspeakable acts of cruelty and to the most loving acts of kindness and devotion.
These souls have evolved beyond the cycles of reincarnation and no longer reside in the Astral plane of existence (which is our home between lives), but on the higher, Causal plane, a level of pure thought and intelligence.
Their mission is to teach souls like us how to evolve — not how to get out of the human experience, but how to get more out of it; how to evolve within it and through it:
The soul’s seven universal archetypes (which this article is about), the four soul ages, the stages of life, the seven astral layers, the nine needs of life, the over leaves (personality traits), life after death and many other fascinating topics relating to spirituality and psychology. There have been dozens of books published around his teachings which you can read here. I’ll go more into his other teachings in later articles and podcast episodes but let’s discuss the seven roles first.
Fun Fact:
By the way, you’ll notice the number seven come up a lot throughout the Michael Teachings and it is because it is an extremely significant number in our universe.
- There are seven colors in the rainbow
- The universe has seven planes of dimensions
- There are seven musical scales
- And so forth
Seven consists of two sets of three connected by one. I’ll go more into the numerology significance of 7 (along with 12) in another article. For now, let’s talk about the seven universal roles.
The seven universal archetypes or “roles” in society are
- Server: to help
- Artisan: to create
- Scholar: to learn
- Sage: to entertain
- Warrior: to achieve
- Priest/Priestess: to inspire
- King/ Queen: to lead
You can see:
- Priests and servers are driven by inspiration
- Artisans and sages are driven by expression
- Warriors and kings are driven by action
- Scholars are driven by assimilation
We each chose a role before we were incarnated on this planet and that role is essentially the blueprint for who we are; our strengths, our weaknesses, and how we show up in the world.
The one soul type persists across all of our lifetimes. You may have different reincarnations but your soul type will ALWAYS persist. It is who you are at the core level.
In Highest Self Podcast Episode 5, I go into depth about each role and their strengths and struggles. In Episode 4 I discuss all about past lives and how to discover yours. Listen to the Highest Podcast on iTunes here and on Soundcloud here for further information about the Michael Teachings (I offer different insights in this article and the podcast based on whatever I was channeling at that moment so I recommend checking out both.)
We each have one primary and at least one secondary role. The primary role is our go-to; who we truly are at a soul level. The secondary role(s) are also part of us, but not as predominant.
Your strengths were not given to you by accident. They were given to you to help you become your highest self.
Through self-study, you can better know your purpose on this planet so you can serve in an authentic way. Soon, everything will begin to make sense and you’ll begin to connect the dots in places you could have never imagined. Your archetype has been passed down across lives—it is your soul’s calling. Finding your archetype is an incredible experience because finally you can know what you were put on this planet to do. So without further adieu, let’s explore each role.
Again, the seven universal archetypes or roles of the Michael Teachings are:
- Server
- Artisan
- Warrior
- Scholar
- Sage
- Priest
- King
If you like listening over reading, you can listen to episode 5 of my podcast, based on universal archetypes.
The Seven Universal Archetypes
1. The first universal archetype: The Wonderful Servers
Servers are here to make the world a better place. They are healers/doctors/nurses, life coaches/ therapists, teachers, moms, human resources employees, social workers, etc. Sometimes they don’t even work in a field where they are serving but that’s just their natural tendency. Servers want to make sure everyone is okay. They are extremely attentive to the needs of others and hypersensitive. They have natural empaths, meaning they pick up on other people’s and place’s energies. I know the server in me came out this past weekend in Las Vegas when I just started crying for no reason because I was picking up on so much negative energy in the place.
Servers feel a lot and that’s what makes them so beautiful. The pain of the world is their pain too and they were brought on this planet to alleviate suffering. The server’s role is SO CRUCIAL. Without servers, the human race would not look out for each other nearly as much as they should. Servers were born with a natural propensity to help because that is what the world needs.
However, just like the Kapha Dosha, servers often overgive, leaving them depleted. Servers want to make sure everyone around them is good but don’t look out for themselves. Their own self-care practices often take the backburner. Because they are constantly giving, they often burn out and end up resentful because they feel like they’re being taken for granted. They put the needs of others before their own and when others do not do the same (especially kings/queens, which are naturally drawn to server’s caring energy) they end up extremely hurt and disappointed.
Servers MUST work on filling their own cup. If your cup is empty, you cannot give freely to others. You’re running in overdrive.
- Take care of your body.
- Eat well (and that means not overeating or mindlessly eating either)
- Take a warm bath.
- Spend time in nature.
- Ground your energy.
- Know what energy is yours and what is others you are picking up on.
You don’t have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders- your vibration is changing the world through every single person you meet. Isn’t that such a relief?!
When you put focus on becoming a whole individual, you can give from a place of abundance.
2. The second universal archetype: The Craft Artisans
Artisans were put on this world to create and build. They are the creators of the future, forging a new reality with their thought. Artisans come in two ways- masculine and feminine. This has nothing to do with their GENDER but rather the energy they carry. We each have both masculine and feminine energy but are normally more tapped in with a specific side.
Artisans in their masculine are drawn to engineering, architecture, mechanics, repairs, plumbing, landscaping, construction work, etc. They are natural builders who seek to create from a place of their masculine—organization, order, structure, discipline. Artisnas look at raw materials and begin thinking of ways they can create something useful with it. They were brought here to make the world a more efficient place.
Artisans in their feminine are drawn towards more creative endeavors—writing, painting, jewelry-making, essential-oils, fashion, poetry, etc. They see the world nonlinearly but rather very fluidly. For them, the material world is to be molded and fashioned into something new. They see raw materials and begin thinking of ways they can create it into a work of beauty. They were brought here to make the world a more beautiful place.
Artisans do best when they are left alone to do their work. They don’t like to be bothered and carry the weight of the world on their shoulders. Artisans prefer to be in their own element. They are actually deeply helping the world by focusing on their task because that’s what the world needs. If everyone was running around taking care of others like servers, we wouldn’t have anyone to create and build. The best service artisans can do is to focus on their task and share it with the world.
You may relate to both artisan and server—for example, you create essential oil blends to heal others. That totally makes sense and would be a great way for you to serve your gifts. You may naturally be more of a healer (into using the essential oils to treat others) or artisan (into the craft and creation of the oils.) Honor whichever side you are on. If your place is in sharing the oils with others, organize more workshops or healing sessions so you can see the oils work their magic. If you are more of an artisan, then focus on creating more incredible blends which will heal others on a deeper level. Honor where you are at.
Artisans don’t make the best managers and some can find them aloof. They don’t have the patience or desire to manage others and prefer to keep to themselves. Artisans are naturally more introverted and become overwhelmed in high pressure situations. They do well working in small group-settings or on their own.
3. The third universal archetype: The go-getter warriors
The warriors are the protectors of society. They were not put on this world to fight (though they are good at that) but rather to protect. Since there is no real place for “warriors” in our society (you could say the army but the modern day “army” is far from the roles warrior used to play), they often don’t know what to do with all this energy. They are extremely achievement and accomplishment-oriented. They want to be the best at what they do and are naturally competitive in nature. Warriors are often businesspeople, athletes, managers, salespeople, policemen or soldiers.
Warriors are driven by reward and punishment. If they know they’ll win money, fame or prestige, they’ll chase it. If there is a punishment for eating that cookie, they won’t do it. They do well with restrictions- in fact, they love it. They want rules and regulations because that’s how they operate best. In fact, they become stressed out with the loosey-gooseyness of the artisans or the emotions > logic of the servers. They believe what’s right is right and what’s wrong is wrong. There is no grey. This sets them up for a lot of challenge because the world doesn’t operate this way- in fact, it’s a whole spectrum of color. They’re trying to figure out what’s the “right” thing to do when that thing doesn’t even exist.
Warriors are athletic by nature and need a good sweat in order to feel right. They are super Pitta and drawn towards boxing, HIIT, power yoga, weight-training and other intense forms of exercise. Their bodies were designed to fight in battle and yearn for that adrenal release. They naturally have muscular bodies and tend not to get injured performing these activities—unless of course, they overpush themselves, which they often do. However, what they can really benefit from is some yin yoga—a calm, restorative form of yoga to soothe the overworked adrenals and stretch out the overworked muscles. Meditation is also crucial for warriors, otherwise they can end up in a war in their heads. It’s important for them to take cleaning breathes to release stored tension. All of the advice I give for Pittas should also be taken by warriors.
Warriors are innately masculine. Women who were born with the warrior archetype may often have struggles with their femininity. It may feel like they were born into the body of a member of the opposite sex, which doesn’t mean they are lesbians but rather just more comfortable being in their masculine. They may have been tom-boys their whole lives and get along better with guys than they do girls. However, they often have a hard-time finding a male companion because they are so in their masculine which can be unattractive to men in their masculine as well because attraction is related to polarity. I’ll do another article/podcast about polarity and how crucial it is for a functional relationship.
If you are a warrior female, channel that energy into something positive. Fight for a cause, rather than to have a six-pack. Use that energy for creative channeling, rather than sexual pursuits. It is normal for warrior women to be more loose about sex, since they carry on that notion from their previous lifetimes, but they’ll find themselves unfulfilled no matter how many sexual encounters they have if it’s not aligned with their higher purpose. Warriors play a pivotal role in society- the carry the strength we need to transform the world into a positive place. They just need to make sure they’re expending their energy in a way that’s meaningful.
4. The fourth universal archetype: The scholarly scholars
I was born with the last-name of a scholar. My last name, Ketabi, means “person of the book” or “author.” In fact, my ancestors were the first writers in the Persian Empire. I’ve obviously taken that role. There actually hasn’t been a writer in my family since the name was given and since I am an ancient soul (I’ll discuss more on soul ages in a later article), that writer was reincarnated as me.
Scholars see the world as an experiment. They are on the constant journey of learning, dissecting, analyzing. Knowledge is the food that feeds them and they were put on this planet to seek information. Authors, researchers, scientists and professors are all roles that scholars take on. They have a unique talent to sift through and retain information. My father is a text-book scholar and reads at least one book, start to finish, a week. He’s 64-years-old so you can only imagine how many books he’s read.
The difference between scholars and priests/priestesses (which I’ll get to next) is that scholars seek to gain knowledge for the purpose of knowing. Priests/priestesses seek to gain knowledge to inspire others.
Scholars often struggle with work-life balance. They are so immersed in their work that they forget about other needs- relationships, exercise, hobbies, etc. Their work becomes their LIFE’s focus and it’s hard for them to keep anything else in mind.
They are also isolationists. Books are their BFF’s. They have a hard-time dealing with small-talk and pointless endeavors that aren’t teaching them valuable knowledge. Sometimes they have a hard-time seeing that everyone is our teacher—even that person who may seem to have “nothing to offer.” In fact, it’s those people who teach us the most.
Scholars must connect back with their bodies. Their energy is very up in their heads and they sometimes lose rooting with their lower chakras- root, sacral and solar plexus.
Root Chakra: They should practice grounding activities such as shamanic shaking, African or hip-hop dancing and walking with their feet in the soil to connect back with Earth and their root chakras.
Sacral Chakra: They should also practice belly dancing and Tantra to connect with their sensuality and sacral chakras.
Solar Plexus Chakra: Lastly, they must focus on deep belly breathing and the affirmation “I am” to connect with their personal power and solar plexus chakra.
5. The fifth universal archetype: the star of the show- the sage!
Sages are the entertainers of the universe. You know that friend that you can be sitting in the car with during a long road trip and they’re cracking out jokes and stories? That’s the sage. I have an aunt who is a total sage and at the end of every diner it’s just expected that she’s going to dish out hilarious stories that will have everyone on their knees in hysterics. Sages love to entertain. That is how they serve their highest purpose. They can take a dark situation and bring in light. They cheer everyone up just with their playful energy. Their gifts lie in their story-telling, which makes the mundane journey of life into a riveting experience.
Sages seem to find their way in the entertainment industry because they feel at home on stage. Whether it’s acting, singing, comedy, broadcasting or just posting Youtube videos, they do best when they’re in the public eye. Sages often times end up in different work situations but should always have that outlet where they can entertain in order to become whole.
A famous sage I refer to in the podcast is Tina Fey. She is absolutely hilarious and shares cultural messages without you even realizing it. For example, her movie Mean Girls hit SO many nails on the head about the way high school cliques are.. but you’re laughing along the way and don’t see it like a documentary (which is how a scholar would present it). She makes tons of political statements in SNL but it’s all in the name of humor. This is a classic sage characteristic—saying their point in a way that you aren’t even sure if they really said it.
The flip side with sages is they can become passive aggressive. Sometimes they feel like the need to impress everyone else that they aren’t true to who they are. When life is a stage, it’s hard to take your mask off. They sometimes forget who they truly are underneath the persona.
Sages also attract drama! Of course, it’s their middle name. They often role their other sages and when everyone is extremely theatrical, it’s hard to know what’s real. Sages can sometimes be a little gossip-y, not out of bad intention but because they must share the story and this can leave them in sticky situations—because of course, sages love to talk!
If you are a sage, focus on your own truth. Live your life for yourself- not for the attention of others. You will feel much more fulfilled if you what you create comes from your heart, despite how “popular” it may be. You have a lot of wisdom- don’t feel like you need to dumb yourself down in order to match society’s needs.
6. The sixth universal archetype: The Priestess!
Priests/priestesses, hello! I’m a fellow priestess so I’ve been researching this archetype for years! I’m just going to use the word priestess because I’m (and most readers) are female) but if you are a man then just switch it out for priest.
Priestesses are the inspiration sign. They were put on this planet to inspire. As Michael Teachings says, “The caring and enthusiastic inspiration of the Priest lovingly challenges us to seek fulfillment and evolution in our lives. Priests have an uncanny way of making us unafraid of the things that scare us, and they help us face our fears with optimism and greater resolve.”
Priestesses are extremely compassionate—you can see it in their eyes that they truly care. They are natural healers and have a special gift for channeling universal energy. Priestesses are warm, passionate, caring and enthusiastic. They encourage people to live the life of their dreams and embrace life to the fullest. I couldn’t relate to this archetype more!
Priestesses are on a mission to make the world a better place—even if sometimes it means putting their own self-care on the back burner. They often times sleep very late and wake up early because they are so passionate about their mission. The world’s pain is their pain and they will not go a day without trying to alleviate the problems of the world. Yup, that’s me (as I write this at 3am).
A famous priest is Barack Obama- a great speaker, charismatic with healing words and utopian visions. Now whether you agree with his politics or not, you have to admit what he stood for, change, and his energy was very priestly. His eyes and smile are bright and luminous and even when he speaks from a fiery place, you know it was out of love.
Priests and servers both seek to help others, but for priests it comes more in a large scale and servers more in an individual scale. Priests do well with public speaking, politics and group settings. Servers do well with one-on-one connection, listening, care-giving. Both play very important roles and should be honored. Many priests, like myself, have server as a secondary role and love working with people individually but know their highest service is at a large scale. They were born with those capabilities and it would be a waste of their talent to not share.
Priests have a strong sense of morality and sometimes that can drive them crazy. I remember if I walked by trash on the floor as a child I couldn’t help but walk backwards and find a trash to throw it in. Kids made fun of me because I would pick up trash with my hands and said I was gross but I literally couldn’t stand seeing it on the floor. It was like this strong sense of moral consciousness came over me and I HAD to make it right. This is a burden priests/priestesses sometimes carry- they need to fix everything and won’t feel rested until it is. That’s what makes me and so many other fellow priestesses sleep at the wee hours of night- I literally cannot rest until EVERYTHING is done.
On the flip side, some people see priests as overly righteous. They find it annoying that priests are always trying to inspire and honestly.. find it preachy. Not everyone wants to be told that they aren’t living to their highest potentials and what they could be doing differently. In fact, it triggers a lot of old wounds in people that they don’t want to face.
Some people would rather live in a comfortable lie than a painful truth. This is a lesson that is very difficult for priestesses like me to understand.
We just automatically think people want to know how they can be more conscious and healthy. We just go of telling them how much sugar is in their soda and how horrible those cigarettes are for them. Chances are, they know. And they don’t care. That’s why they’re still doing it. It doesn’t take our inspirational speech to get them to give up a life-long habit. There is a LOT more that goes behind it and some people just aren’t there in their journeys to face it yet. They just find it annoying when you tell them.
Priestesses often receive animosity because of their overwillingness to help. For example, I just shared on my Instagram story how I was in Vegas for a few days and found it a really low vibration place because of the all the gambling, indoor cigarette smoking, heavy drug use, prostitution, pornography on the streets, materialistic and party culture. I received an angry message from a follower saying “Who am I to say to say those things are unconscious?” and that I should be careful of the things I say. Most likely, that person sees some of those elements inside of his/herself and my mentioning of them brought it to light, which triggered a response in her. Priestesses often get the heat as they are the ones creating the paradigm shift. Just know that by you drawing attention to what is not conscious, you are rewriting the old story and bringing the darkness into light.
Priestesses should, however, know when to preach and when to shut their mouths. If someone isn’t going to change, don’t waste your breath. A lot of times, older people are set in their ways and no amount of persuading them is going to work. Sometimes it just isn’t worth it. If your old Trump-supporting uncle is trying to start a political conversation with you while wearing his NRA hat, don’t bother. Save your energy for someone who is open to your words. People will come to you when they are ready for the message. You cannot change people- you can just inspire them to change themselves. Remember that—I’ve spent many years trying to change and fix people and it doesn’t work. Everyone is on their own journey and you can’t catapult people to be right where you are, no matter how inspirational your words are. You have to know when to let go.
7. The seventh universal archetype: The King/Queen!
The last archetype is the king/queen. This archetype is a natural born leader. They take command in situations and people naturally tend to listen to listen to what they have to say. They are strong managers and have a unique ability to find the strength in others. Like warriors, they are both driven by control, mastery and perfectionism. They make strong entrepreneurs, politicians, CEOs, police chiefs, religious leaders, pilots, managers and any other position where they are in control. Whatever industry they are in, they will rise to the top.
Kings/queens are less in their physical bodies than warriors and more in their heads. They are extremely tenacious and committed to their work. Like priests, people come to them for advice but kings are less concerned with inspiration and more concerned with leadership. People are often inspired by how hard-working they are but they aren’t really put on this planet to give motivational speeches. They’re here to lead.
Kings/queens like to call the shots. While managing others may overwhelm the more empathetic priests and servers, kings thrive doing it. That’s how they create an enterprise. They are very decisive and can remove the emotion from the equation to get things done. Their liking includes being busy at all times and having a hard time resting or letting go of control. They often do not trust others with their tasks and will run in over-drive to get things done their way. They’re always “on duty” and have a hard time with work-life balance.
A lot of people see kings/queens are tyrannical, ruthless or authoritarian, though they are all not. Some kings take the more tyrannical route, using their natural gifts to impose over others. Other kings have server as a secondary role and are genuinely impassioned by helping others- they just do it on a larger and less direct scale. Kings can sometimes be bossy and headstrong because they know their way is right and do not want to ask for help. They have a hard-time admitting their own faults, even when it is out-right in their faces.
Kings must let go of the need to always be the first or the best. Life is not a race and you aren’t being graded. This constant pressure they put on themselves makes them angry and resentful, which keeps them from living up to their highest self. Kings carry a lot of Pitta fire energy, which can make them irritable and snap.
Kings must focus on keeping it cool and allowing more flow into their lives. When they surrender to the spontaneous fulfillment of the universe, they will finally achieve great levels of success. They must accept that the world will work out in their favor when they let go of their constant need of control. Meditation, yin yoga, walks in nature and swimming are all wonderful releases for them.
My universal archetypes & how I found out about them
For example, I discuss in the podcast how my primary role is Priestess (sharing the message to inspire others) and secondary roles are server (to be of service on a one-on-one basis.) Both Priestess and Server are inspiration roles—they are driven by inspiring others. I’ve known from the time I was a child that I was put on this planet to help others but wasn’t sure how.. If I would be a psychologist, peace corps worker, part of the UN, International Human Rights Lawyer, professor, nutritionist.. I tried them all out for size.
Over time, I realized that as much as I LOVE connecting one-on-one with people, my highest self lies in connecting to the masses through writing and speaking, why I was born with the gift of being a very fast and efficient writer and strong public speaker. Writing and speaking flow through me and I can easily write a book in a day (not normal I know but it’s what my soul handed me..) if my needs are met.
However, I realized that when I was working with multiple clients a day, I would feel burned out and unable to write. As an extremely empathic person, I take on people’s energy and working one-on-one with clients, many of whom have experienced trauma or pain, I was constantly thinking about their circumstances and unable to be present. This was keeping me from being my highest self because I was too caught up in OTHER people’s problems. That’s when I created my 12 Week Eat Right For Your Mind-Body Type Program, which teaches you step-by-step how to integrate an Ayurvedic diet into your lifestyle and heal your relationship with food. I recorded everything that I teach clients so they can still benefit from my modern approach to Ayurveda without me repeating the same material to each person and can instead use that time creating content to benefit more people.
My third role is of a scholar. I love knowledge, reading, learning, understanding. However, the reason I want to gain this knowledge is to share it with others. As soon as I learn something, I’m thinking of how I can share this with others. It’s impossible for me to get through a book without writing 50 blog posts and making Instagram stories about it’s message.
My soul’s calling is to inspire the masses to become their highest selves. I was born with the secondary roles of server and scholar to be empathetic and diligent. These strengths allow me to connect with my audience and share complex wisdom (like the Michael Teachings) with them in a way that will hit home to their hearts.
So I would love to know..
What is your role?
What is your secondary role(s)?
How does it show up in your life?
Fill this out and share on social media:
Would love to hear your opinion in the Mind-Body Balancers (Highest Self Podcast) Facebook Group! This is a safe place where we discuss all things holistic health/ spirituality and I would love to have you as a member if you feel the call. Join here.
Check out my podcast episode here where I speak more about this!
Check out the Michael Teachings website here to learn more about this incredibly insightful wisdom!
In the next article and podcast, I’ll share more about the soul ages as we get deeper into the teachings!
Feeling so blessed to share this work with you. Thank you spirit for channeling through me.