How to Raise Your Vibration

Have heard people say it’s all about the vibe? The type of vibrations you produce, the universe sends them back to you. Here is a guide on how to raise your vibration & produce positivity


Vibes are something that everyone talks about nowadays.
“Sending good vibes.”
“That place gave off bad vibes.”
“Good vibes only.”
But what do you mean when you say “vibes”? Is that an actual thing?
Every one of us is surrounded by an invisible but powerful energetic field that vibrates at a specific Hz frequency. When the mind, body, and soul are in harmony, it produces a clear vibration that connects you to the universe at large, sometimes even guiding your search for purpose. Different emotions have different energy frequencies that can affect the balance of the energy field.

The body feels the emotions, carries them up to the mind to process, and then passes them to the heart, where your reaction to these emotions emanates from you as vibrations. When you put out positive vibrations, the universe sends them back to you. Like attracts like, in nature, after all.

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What is your inner vibration?

Each living thing on this planet releases energy. They leave the body through vibrations, and those vibrations are what aligns you to your spiritual purpose, or as I like to call it, dharma.
Your inner vibration is the energy you project into the world around you. If you constantly try to be positive, even during the harshest times, the universe will greet you with the same energy. If you release negative energy, on the other hand…well.

Like I said like attracts like. You’ll be bringing bad things to yourself, be it that toxic ex or a fight at the office.

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Want help in finding your soul’s purpose? Then tune into Sahara’s free Discover Your Purpose Masterclass.


Your natural vibration is your divine signature, your soul essence, and it is special only to you.

Just as there are no two identical snowflakes, there are no two souls with the same vibrational energy in the universe. That is how unique you are. Your vibrations directly reflect your inner thoughts, feelings, beliefs, choices, and how well you care for yourself, the planet, and others. The higher the vibration, the more light it catches, the faster the light particles vibrate, and the higher the consciousness.

You may not have thought about your own unique vibrational frequency before, but once you understand how it rules your life, it will soon become your number one priority.
Therefore, surrounding yourself with the right people and the right places becomes important. Look at your closest friends and family. Do they serve your purpose, or do they make you feel even worse about yourself? Are they there to cheer you on, or do they stab you in the back?

It’s a sign from the universe, these negative feelings we may feel about people or places. Stay away from all that mess!
It’s easier said than done, I know. It means deciding not to fight yourself and following your instinct. Yes, and it may even defy logic.

But without an end to this cycle, you’ll only be burnt out. You are hurt because you are not aligned with your dharma, but I’m here to help you put a stop to all that. And here’s the secret nobody ever tells you.
The key to a better vibrational state? It is to enter a state of flow, where you feel every single emotion and let it go. That’s right; you must stop trying to control everything that is happening to you. You must trust the universe.

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Understanding your emotional and spiritual vibrations

Spiritual Waves are how we release energy. This is how we release our energy into the spiritual world. Our vibrations are one of the common ways we send messages to the universe.
Will this confuse you?
Let me explain this.
Your vibration frequency level is easy to determine. All you have to do is ask yourself how you feel. The higher the mood, the higher the frequency. The worse the mood, the lower the frequency. When the energy of your being vibrates at a high frequency, you bring into your life more opportunities, situations, and relationships that will perpetuate that beautiful “high” feeling. Vibrating at a lower frequency attracts more opportunities, situations, and relationships that sustain a “negative” feeling. Your emotions are how your internal control system tells you vibration frequencies.


Want to understand the things that are lowering your vibrations, listen to this podcast.


How to raise your vibration (steps and practices)

Now that you know how much these vibrations affect us, look at your life. Are you stressed or burnt out? Don’t you want to feel positive and light, to channel the energy of the world and make your dreams come true?

Then, join me. These are some practices that help me raise my vibrations! Make sure to follow them with great discipline. You’re putting in all this hard work for your higher self, who will thank you in the future.

1. Practice gratitude

I cannot say this enough. Offer thanks to the world, and it will give you more reasons to be thankful. Half the time, in our daily rush of hustling and whatnot, we forget how much we have that other people do not. The universe has brought you gift after gift, be it in the form of your loved ones or pets. Open your eyes and be grateful for that. Take a few minutes every day to remember all that you’re thankful for, and thank others too! It can make such a difference to a person’s day.

2. Practice meditation

Yes, meditation. I know, you’ve heard it time and time again, but it is that powerful.

It is such an efficient way to raise your vibrational energy; I cannot stress how vital it is. Even taking five minutes out of your day to meditate will cause a shift in a negative mindset. Your body functions on neurotransmitters like endorphins, dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin. And it has been scientifically proven that meditation triggers the brain to release these neurotransmitters.

Meditation brings you peace, and more importantly, it gives you space to reflect on yourself and your actions, which helps you avoid low vibrational actions.

3. Get in touch with nature

Look, we all love vacations for a reason. Get out of these concrete jungles we live in, and pluck a few daisies. Swim in the ocean, bask in the sunlight, but let yourself feel the natural world around you. The universe loves you, for you are its child. It made this world for you, like a home. Recharge and cleanse your energy in nature, and feel at home in Mother Nature’s womb.

4. Find a way to laugh

There is an old saying—laughter is the best medicine. And it’s been around for a reason. Learn to laugh at yourself and with others. Enjoy the one life you have with humor!

5. Move your body

Whether it’s going to the gym, yoga, or running, move your body. Stop hunching over your screens and let your body feel light, let it move, and revel. Isn’t it divine to have a body that is capable of housing your soul? Enjoy the body you have and let it cleanse your vibrational energy.

6. Clean your space

Clean that mess up. If there are obstacles in its way, light cannot shine. The same thing goes for vibrations. Get rid of the things that no longer serve you–especially that ex who keeps resurfacing during every retrograde. They’re no good for you!

7. Practice generosity and kindness

Generosity and acts of kindness are simple ways we can spread love and positivity. No act of kindness is ever too small. If you witness someone being kind, or if you are a recipient of such an act, be sure to thank the other person and express gratitude. This creates a “feel-good circle of positivity”. Volunteering with a local charity, helping a loved one with a simple favor, or giving a thoughtful gift are some simple ways we can practice kindness. Do not have expectations of receiving anything in return.

8. Listen to uplifting music

Listening to cheerful, uplifting music is an instant way to raise your vibration. While you’re at it, try moving your body and dancing to the beat. You can also listen to different sound frequencies, nature sounds, or meditation music.

9. Unplug for a while

Technology, screens, and social media now consume us at an alarming rate. Not everything we see in the media is good for our energy. This is why it’s important to turn off those devices and take a digital detox.

10. Write in a journal

Put down your worries and organize your thoughts in a journal. When you experience an emotion strongly, you can draw a picture or express yourself with colored pencils. There is no “right” or “wrong” way to keep a journal. That’s the beauty of it!

11. Get creative

That’s right, get back to those hobbies you loved. Whether it was learning an instrument, dancing, or singing, let art consume you. When we focus on something creative, our vibrations are automatically raised.

12. Notice the beauty around you

Did you notice how beautiful the sky can be, at different times of the day? Or the perfect golden hue of sunlight as it flows through your room at sunset? No matter where you are, take a few minutes to notice the beauty that surrounds you everywhere!

13. Eat high-vibration foods and stay hydrated

Everything you consume is prana, or life force energy. If you eat a lot of “dead” energy (in the form of meat, fried, or processed food), you will lower your vibration. By eating nutrient-dense, prana-rich foods, like local and organic fruits and vegetables, your body absorbs these things, making you more light, vibrant, and alive. High-vibration food makes a person’s vibration higher. Here is a list of high-vibration foods to get you started.

Recommended for you: What is Prana & how to enhance yours

14. Surround yourself with positivity

The environment we spend our time in affects our vibrational energy. Surround yourself with inspirational books, pretty crystals, houseplants, beautiful artwork, and soothing objects. Choose your objects carefully, though—you don’t want to become a hoarder!

15. Love!

And finally, all you need is love! Love yourself, your partner, your environment, and the people around you. Turn your anger, hate, and other negative emotions into positive ones and share them with everyone you meet. Write your words of love on a water bottle, napkin, journal, and other places where you’ll see them through the day! Make a positive affirmation of love to yourself in front of the mirror every morning. Tell people you love them at every opportunity. As you learn to love, your vibration will increase, and you will be loved in return.

If you want to learn more about how to change your vibrations, you can check out my podcast or my blog post about different ways to raise your vibrational energy!

Pursuing your spirituality isn’t easy at all, but the deep joy and satisfaction of living a life that is so enriched by all that the universe has to offer? That is a feeling of unparalleled joy.

Here’s to you, sun being, as you pursue your dharma!

You may also like: 10 Ways To Raise Your Vibrational Energy

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