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Raw Vegan Banana Pancakes with Coconut Cream and Fruit Salad

Love is in the air (it is February, of course) and what better way to show your love than through food? 


Food is the ultimate gesture of love. In the wild, lions hunt prey and present it to their ladies to get on their good side. In the domestic, men show up with boxes of chocolate to do the same (see, we really aren’t so different than animals.)


Chocolate and cupcakes seem nice but if you truly love someone, wouldn’t you want to keep them super healthy so you’ll have them around longer? That’s why the ultimate gift is a plant-based one. And that doesn’t mean you have to compromise on flavor.


So since it’s Valentine’s Day, let’s talk love food. There’s something so romantic about breakfast in bed, especially when pancakes are involved. But they just got even sexier—by becoming raw vegan and sugar-free. Yes you got that right. You can polish off a stack and still look good in your Valentine’s lingerie/boxers/pajamas/whatever you want to wear on this holiday. Heck, you can keep eating them after all the red-heart balloons are no longer sold at CVS because these pancakes are DELICIOUS (and super nutritious!)


Eat like you love yourself this Valentine’s Day with these raw vegan banana pancakes. You deserve it.


Avocado Fudge Brownies (4)

Happy Valentines Day Love Buns,


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