When faced with obstacles, we have 2 options. We can either close our hearts towards it or face the obstacle with courage even while being afraid. One is toughness, the other is wisdom. Read this blog to find out.
When faced with obstacles, it’s easy to close your heart
To become pessimistic about the world
To build a shield
And point out the worst before it may show up
Sometimes we wear this toughness like a badge of honor
Like we’ve grown up and been around the block
But toughness is not the same thing as wisdom
Toughness is closing your heart because you’re afraid of having it be broken
Wisdom is knowing that that’s possible and keeping it open anyway, because the only true heartbreak is not feeling
Toughness is being afraid of life’s surprises
Wisdom is knowing they are more beautiful than you could have ever planned for or comprehend, especially at the time
Toughness is putting on an armor to protect yourself
Wisdom is knowing you are already protected.
In this week’s Highest Self Podcast solocast, I share my own realization of the two ways we can face any obstacle and how choosing our energetic currency is the key to manifesting what we truly desire. Tune in and receive.
Click to listen: Keeping Your Heart Open Through Obstacles with Sahara Rose
Listen on iTunes, Soundcloud or Spotify (it’s only 13 minutes, the Goddess number.)
I hope you enjoy,