10 Things Only Pittas Will Understand

Are you a Pitta and have a few traits which nobody understands? Then here are 10 things that only pittas will understand & relate to

10 things only pittas will understand

Originally published in Yoga Journal on June 9, 2017.

Prime your body for summer by discovering its natural, seasonal needs. Learn how to eat, cook, cleanse, and heal to balance your body and mind. In our online course Ayurveda 101, Larissa Hall Carlson, former dean of Kripalu’s School of Ayurveda, and Dr. John Douillard, founder of LifeSpa.com and best-selling author, demystify yoga’s elemental sister science. Sign up for the summer session now!

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When Pittas are in balance, they are goal-oriented, ambitious, and passionate. When Pittas fall out of balance, they become angry, impatient, and forceful. If you’re a Pitta, you will likely relate to some of the following situations. (Take our Dosha Quiz now to discover your own mind-body type.)

Want to know more about Pittas? Click here.

1. You wake up in the morning knowing exactly what you will be doing

Some people call Pittas anal, but you prefer to see it as organized. When besides 6:30 am are you supposed to fit your Power Yoga class into a day of back-to-back meetings, grocery shopping runs, and highly curated Instagram posts?

2. Coffee is the fire that lights your soul.

Anything that makes you accomplish more is something Pittas want more of. When friends travel to tropical countries, they already know the souvenir you’ll appreciate most… coffee beans. Oh and chocolate.

Know someone who is a Kapha? Share 10 things only Kaphas will understand with them

3. When it’s lunch time, you gotta eat or you get Hangry

Pittas’ bodies run on highly sensitive internal clock. “Schedule a meeting during lunch? Only if you want me to bite the other person’s head off,” you tell your assistant. Your belly doesn’t whisper—it roars. And if you don’t listen, everyone around you is going to have to.

4. Summer without AC is your form of torture

It takes you back to summer you interned in New York City and lived in a lower East side apartment that could have easily doubled as a Bikram yoga studio—minus the chic lobby and welcoming receptionist. Pittas tend to run hot.

5. You’re that person front and center in a yoga class taking every Chaturanga and Planks during Child’s Pose

Pittas don’t like to waste time. Being covered in sweat is meditative for you. Leaving a yoga class feeling like your body could have done more makes you more stressed out than you were before it. Another teacher may have better used the 60 minutes of your day you gave this one.

6. You end up being the one who makes decisions in groups—otherwise, nothing gets done

You learned that lesson in Kindergarten when your friends weren’t sure if they wanted to go jump rope or hit the monkey bars. Pittas are planners. That’s why YOU were the one to come up with the genius plan to do both. Needless to say, you’ve taken the lead ever since.

Your family loves/despises you during vacations because you have every moment planned. How else will you be able to see all of the ruins and museums in such a short amount of time? Get moving people!

7. You read Marie Kondo’s Magical Art of Tidying Up and wasn’t sure what the big deal was

It read like someone just put your thoughts onto a page. Pittas are the ultimate organizers. To you, a messy home is obviously a messy mind. You secretly judge your friends who have junk drawers. Don’t they know those seldom get sorted out?

8. You go to the bathroom after every meal and don’t get how people can go the whole day without it.

It’s like there’s a hot potato in your pants that must be released after that Buddha bowl. Pittas have strong digestive fire. What goes in must come out! It’s only natural!

9. Your friends are super jealous—if you work out once, you have muscle definition the next day.

You don’t know if your muscle memory is to be credited to your high school gymnastic days or your marathon-running Dad but the athleticism is in your blood! Pittas are natural athletes.

10. Your spirit animal is New York City

A city that stays up all night, gets more done in a minute than the rest of the country does in a year, boasts one of the most efficient public transformation systems on the planet and has every type of yoga-fusion class possible? YES, New York, you are my soul city!

Know someone who is a Vata? Share 10 things only Vatas will understand with them


Much Love,

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