Test Teacher
The Teacher is here to teach the experiences they undergo. They find the lesson in their human experience and share it with others. They’ll write a social media post revealing their key takeaways and action steps for you to learn too. They’re the type of people who taught themselves how to make vegan desserts or launch successful online businesses, and are now teaching others to do the same. They learn through teaching and everything they experience is understood through sharing it with others.
The Teacher’s mission is to serve through knowledge. The obstacles they go through are exactly what they’re meant to share with others, which is why most coaches are Teachers. The personal experience fills them with a genuine desire to teach what they’ve overcome. They are the type to see the lesson in an obstacle even as they are dealing with it, and use it as an example as they guide others through it.
Teachers have natural leadership abilities, coupled with a deep empathic sense. They can tell instantly who is having an off day and provide them with the tools they need to lift themselves up. Of course they make incredible teachers and professors, but they could work in any type of career where they are able to pass along their teachings to others.
It’s also important for Teachers to know who wants the teaching, and not run their mouth imparting lessons to people who have no interest. That can come off as preachy, annoying, or aggressive. As a Teacher myself, I’ve had to learn to wait for interest. I can easily meet someone and instantly start fixing all their problems and inspiring them to live a new life—even though they never asked for that. We have to understand that we can screw with other people’s karmas by telling them things they aren’t ready for; part of their journey is to learn it themselves when the time is right and desire is there.
Teachers’ high Vata energy makes us especially tapped into the cosmos, allowing us to channel higher Source consciousness. A good teacher can speak to their students so that the knowledge is received. They know that self-awareness must come from within, and the best way they can educate others is to ask the right questions and remain in a high vibrational state so they can come up with their own answers.