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Raw Vegan Caesar Salad

I like to call Caesar Salad the unhealthy person’s favorite salad (aka my boyfriend’s.) The only thing healthy about a Caesar is the lettuce hiding underneath the mayo-filled dressing, crispy croutons and anchovies. I truly believe the reason Caesar salads are so popular because they reminisce components of a sandwich (bread, mayo, animal protein..) However, those are the exact ingredients that make it the least healthy salad.

But what if there was a way to enjoy the infamous Caesar salad without mayo-and-oil-filled dressing, bread croutons and anchovies? Let me fill you in on a secret. There is. And that’s way more delicious (and nutriticous) then even the most abundant Caesar Salad.

This recipe is based off the Sunflower Caesar Salad recipe I learned at Matthew Kenney’s Raw Vegan Culinary Academy (watch my free webinar about my experience here) but I changed it up to make it lower in sodium, oil-free and simpler to make with readily available ingredients. Gotta keep it fresh for my Freshies!

raw vegan caesar salad



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With love,


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