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Highest Self Podcast 286: Recession Proof Your Biz for Online Entrepreneurs with Scott Oldford

This episode is for all you online entrepreneurs wondering how to pivot, shift and navigate these times. In this episode, online biz expert Scott and I speak about how to change your marketing, handle customer service, manage changes in your revenue, handle situations with your team and other situations that may arise right now.

To download Scott’s Recession Proof Guide and learn more about his program plus receive my bonus webinar, head over to bit.ly/recessionproofbizguide (be sure to use this link to be part of it!)

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Episode 286: Recession Proof Your Biz for Online Entrepreneurs with Scott Oldford
By Sahara Rose


Namaste. It’s Sahara Rose and welcome back to The Highest Self Podcast, a place where we discuss what makes you, your soul’s highest evolvement. 


In this episode we are going to dive deep into business, particularly for online businesses. So, if you do not have an online business, this episode probably won’t be the most relevant for you. Go back to my episode last week on ‘Getting Into Your Lower Chakras’ or my episode with Malaika about ‘Connecting To Earth Medicine.’ But if you are someone that has an online business, which, I’ve been polling my Instagram and about 90% of you either are entrepreneurs or want to be entrepreneurs, then this episode is for you. 


So, I sat down with my dear friend Scott Oldford who is an incredible, just conscious business expert. He shares in this episode how he’s been creating online businesses since he was 12 years old. And he’s married to one of my good friends, but really, what he is so passionate about right now is helping online entrepreneurs pivot in their businesses right now with the economic turn that has been happening. And I’ve been really committed on The Highest Self Podcast for the past two months to bring you different types of experts to support you through this shift that we are experiencing (from Medical Doctors to Politicians like Marianne Williamson; to Spiritual Teachers like Matt Kahn; to Earth Medicine Keepers like Malaika), and Scott is a conscious business expert.


So, in this episode, we talk all things, navigating your business, not just in this economic situation, but in any economic situation that happens, because, guys, this may have been the first one many of us, as business owners have experienced, but as we know, there are ups and downs in everything. And it’s up to us to be able to create a business that’s essentially recession-proof; that can go past these ups and downs in society because it is something that is so needed.  


So, a lot of us, we have spiritual businesses or wellness businesses etc. and I really asked him about our types of field that maybe people don’t see them as “necessary” as maybe getting their hair cut or something like that, but actually, especially something related to spiritual and mental health is more needed than ever before. So, really how to shift your marketing; how to handle customer service issues that come up; how to make changes in your revenue; how to handle situations with your team; and other issues that show up. 


So, this is a deep dive into how to create the most thriving business out of this experience that is recession-proofed moving forward. 


So again, if having a business is not interesting for you, this is not the episode for you. But if you are, I know we’ve got a lot of health coaches, a lot of yoga teachers, a lot of etsy store owners, a lot of conscious doctors and lawyers etc. And of course I have my Together We Have Press Mastermind, and coach female entrepreneurs to taking their business to the next level.

And to me, my own business has been such a catalyst to my spiritual and personal growth, and I know for a lot of us it is the same, so, this episode is for you. 

We talk all about the nitty-gritty things that most people, especially a lot of spiritual people don’t like to talk about, but for me, it is super-important that we have all hands on deck; we know what’s happening because you deserve to be abundant Queen, you deserve to thrive, you deserve to get mentored by the best people from the game, and Scott Oldford is one them. And I am so honored to have him on this episode.         


Without further ado, let’s welcome Scott to The Highest Self Podcast. 

[4:05] Advertisement

And before we get started I have an announcement for you. 

Oh my Goddess Sister-Queen, I am so excited to share with you that Rose Gold Goddesses is officially open. We are accepting new members for the most high-vibe community on the inter-webs and in real life as well. 

What Rose Gold Goddesses is – is your Sacred Sisterhood Collective – we have our very own App with all types of content to support you on your spiritual journey, from all of my Master Classes – I upload contents specifically for Rose Gold Goddesses from Manifestation to Launching a Podcast, to writing a book and everything in between to support you on your journey of becoming your highest self. 

There are thousands of like-minded women who are there to connect with you, whether you want to meet up for a cup of ceremonial cacao or talk about your Dharma, or whatever it is that you need support with at this time, Rose Gold Goddesses has got you. Consider it your spiritual gym membership with all things to support you on your journey of becoming your highest self. 

So, you could come join us at rosegoldgoddesses.com and we are soul excited to welcome you in. 

[5:26] End of Advertisement


[5:28] Sahara:

Welcome Scott to The Highest Self Podcast, it’s so great to have you here. 

[5:31] Scott:

I’m so excited to be here to talk with you and everybody today.

[5:35] Sahara:

So the first question I’d love to ask you is what makes you your highest self?

[5:41] Scott:

It’s a good question. So I’d say a couple of things.

Number 1: Spending enough time by myself; spending enough time to be creative; spending enough time with really, my higher self, and allowing him to actually show me what I need to be doing.

And I think the second thing – being able to share the gifts that I’ve been given; the expertise that I’ve been given; the knowledge that I’ve been given from that higher self to other people. Which I guess is the joy of being able to be in your higher self, so, I think that that would definitely be mine. 

[6:12] Sahara:

I love that. And you know, we were just chatting, I feel like you do such a great job and kind of regain consciousness and business together. And seeing how our businesses are a reflection of what’s going on within and how we can do so much good in the world and create a better future, because you’re also a huge Futurist bridging together technology and spirituality. So, I love learning from you and I know that my audience does too. 

[6:38] Scott:

Well, thank you. I did not expect to end up at the intersection of Futurism, Business and Consciousness all at once, but it happened. And so, much like life, when you look back and you see all the dots and connect, you’re like “Oh, look at that, look at that!” And so, I get to show up every day and help people kind of merge all this and be able to bring it all back to the day-to-day so they could have a better life, and better business, and better relationships.

[7:03] Sahara:

So, something that you’re extremely passionate about sharing right now is how to, essentially, recession-proof your business. We are going through a crazy economic time; I don’t think any of us really saw this coming, except for you, but not in this quite way. And you’ve been really stepping up to giving entrepreneurs really valuable content and resources which I know so many Highest Self Podcast listeners are entrepreneurs or are aspiring to be entrepreneurs, and how to really pivot their businesses at this time; to talk about what their target clients are needing in this moment.

[7:40] Scott:

Yeah. Well, I don’t think anybody could’ve predicted the way that it happened, but of course, that’s always like life; that’s always like the future, you can never predict; you can get ready but I’ve been ready for this since 2018 and I thought we had another year in the economy and of what was going to happen. And everything that happened with this virus and everything that’s going on, and all the fear that’s happening in the world, more likely you’re here and like “What the heck do I do? Am I going to be able to get the clients? Am I going to be able to get or have already? Am I going to be able to get new clients? Talk to people in my inbox; I just quit my job 8 weeks ago, what should I do? What should I do here?” 

And so, what I want to do today, as much as I can is really help people understand:

Number 1 – what’s actually happening; 

Number 2 – what you can actually do about it, and,

Number 3 – sort of give you some, not, I’ll say just fluffy inspiration and motivation, but actually give you some level of a strategic plan of what you really should be looking to do in the next 90 days to the next, call it a year. 

[8:47] Scott

So, overall, basically, the way I’ve been explaining it to everybody – if you had a plan, rip it up because everything, the way that you offered something before; the way that you marketed before; the way that you sold something before; the way that you delivered something before – that was when the economy was really in a good place; it was in a time, the way I put it, is when the economy is good people get lazy. And so, now is the time to be able to not be lazy, and now is the time to be able to do things a little bit differently, and a little bit more proactively, a little bit more strategic. And while at the same time, I know that you’re a big advocate of this, is not being in reaction all the time, but being able to respond; being able to come back; and be calm; and be present; and to respond to what’s going on a day-to-day basis. And I think that’s, you know there’s a really, really good card I pulled this morning, it was like “Now’s the time to use all that you’ve gathered” and I think it’s so important right now, all the consciousness work done, all the spiritual work done, all the business work you’ve done – now is the test of “Wow, okay, let’s put all this together and let’s make this work!”

[9:52] Sahara:

I love that so much and I think right now so many of us are so afraid of selling; unsure of, let’s say we’re selling a luxury item, are people even going to want that anymore? How to essentially, first of all, figure out what’s happening and then how to pivot it? 

So, I first of all want to talk about how have people’s needs changed? Because I was reading your Recession Proof document which was incredible (I have that link in the show notes), but you were talking about how people before, they would be talking about have more freedom in your life; have more self-expression; these more long-term goals, and now, really, people are focused on security, comfort – short term.

So, can you talk about this shift that we all need to make in our marketing right now?

[10:35] Scott:

Yeah, absolutely. Well, so, a couple things you have to understand. Hierarchy of needs (Maslow’s Hierarchy) whether or not someone’s actually lower; their perception is that they’re going to be lower, right? and so a lot of people are scared right now what to do with their money (if they have money); they don’t know what’s going to happen with their job. So, the automatic thing when someone is like that is for them to go into scarcity instead of abundance. 

So, a couple things are happening right now. People’s vanity and ego gets, things like this when the recession comes, that stuff kind of goes out completely, right? And so, if you’ve ever sold freedom; if you’ve ever sold “Hey, travel the world: hey, do what you want; hey, get back more time; make more money.” Well, now it’s actually more about income security – how do I pay my mortgage; how do I pay my rent; how do I take care of my health (not from an optimization perspective, but so that I stay well, but literally well). So things have kind of brought back, and if I say the collective was in the third level (the hierarchy of needs) If I was going to say, let’s say North America, most people in the third level hierarchy of needs (Google it if you want to reference it) we’ve just kind of taken a step back and step to. And even if we may not be, we are from a perception perspective (because of the news, because of the fear, because of our news feed) we are acting as if we’re in stage two, level two. And so that means, that in your marketing, and I talk about this in Recession Proof Guide (and by the way, I really, really recommend that, it’s 12.000 words of some of my best work on exactly what’s happening; much more detail on what to do) but your marketing really has to change, to be more forward, more talking about, not bringing people in the scarcity, I don’t believe in doing that; I don’t believe in manipulating people or doing any of that, but a lot more talking to exactly what their pains are; offering painkillers not vitamins, and being able to really go to people.

You know, if you’ve ever relied on applications or getting people on webinars, well now is the time inside of your marketing, transitioning even to your sales, to be the one to start the conversation. The difference of you being able to get someone to say yes might be you talking them through their fear right now. So, when someone’s in fear, fear makes people that are logical, it’s very, very, it takes their logic completely out of the whole picture. And so what you want to do is be able to help them get back to their logic; help them get back to their intuition; help them get back to their own intellectual-self, of their own consciousness of intuition, their intellectual. And do, unfortunately, what happens is they start listening to their father; or they start listening to their daughter; they start listening to the news, or they start listening to their co-worker – that idea, the subconscious mind is very powerful. And so, what you really have to think about is that you’re fighting a fight; your competition is no longer the person down the road. The competition is someone’s subconscious mind that has all this fear playing in the back and all this scarcity, and you really have to be the bridge to bring them to seeing that there is abundance; to seeing that they actually need to work on themselves or to see that they need, you know, I said this and I keep on saying it, if you’re in the realms of helping people upgrade their consciousness, in the realm of educating people, coaching, consulting, helping someone transition in their job; if you’re in the marketing or advertising, all of those things now are going to see the biggest boom we’ve seen, maybe ever.

[14:03] Scott:

We saw it in 2008, we saw it after 9/11, we saw it 1997, every single time these things keep on booming, and marketing is so critically important right now. Conversations are so critically important. Connecting with people are so critically important. And so, a lot of the typical marketing methods of just giving the freedom, or just giving “Hey, here’s the vitamin” unless it’s Vitamin C, no one’s going to be buying it right now. 

[14:30] Sahara:

So well said, and you’re completely accurate. People are buying figurative painkillers, not vitamins right now, and what you really mean with that is such a good analogy of people are like “I’m in pain, I’m in scarcity, I’m in fear. How am I going to get out of this crippling state swimming in the deep pool of fear?” And if you can help them get out, that’s something that they’re willing to pay for. And I’m seeing probably a lot of the people who maybe, before when they spent their money “Oh, I’ll sign up for this program, that program” they’re going to want more one-on-one coaching. Do you see that being an emerging trend?

[15:02] Scott:

I actually see that being a massive emerging trend right now. And so I think that you’re going to see the middle products and programs, you’re going to see that evaporate right now. So the group coaching program where you’re only there once a month or whatever it might be, that’s going to evaporate a little bit. So what you’re going to see is the very high-ends, the one-on-ones, the ultra I ends, the in person days, the VIP days, the real intimate let’s get into the brass tacks of everything that’s going on; let’s get into who you are; let’s upgrade your mind; let’s upgrade whatever it is that you need help with – we’re going to see a massive rise in that. I’m seeing that in my own life right away. I’ve never had more people reach out to me to work one-on-one in my entire life, from that perspective. Because a lot of the people I work with have money, pretty much everyone I work with have money, well now, they’re in more uncertainty about what they should actually be doing. And so, but if I look at the middle, if I look at the group program or let’s say the $10.000 program, that amount of interest, just in the last 4 weeks has gone down significantly just in my own life and those that I mentor. Whereas, then, the lower rand, kind of the lower end with higher intimacy, so if you’re going to do a group program, five acts how much intimacy should actually be in there.  

[16:20] Sahara:

So what would you consider a low end? Less than 200 or in the 20 a month range?

[16:28] Scott:

I think what you’ve got to kind of look out from that perspective is that it’s relative. So, I would that say lower end, anything under 500 I think is going to have more difficulty right now because people don’t want information right now, they don’t want knowledge right now, they want to know what to do right now and they want a high level of certainty right now. 

[16:50] Sahara:

They want guidance.

[16:51] Scott:

Yes, absolutely. They want guidance right now.

[16:54] Sahara:

I love that. And I think a lot of listeners are those guys that they’re life coaches, they’re yoga teachers etc. and it’s really stepping up to – this isn’t about, maybe before it was like ‘10 ways to get rid of your addiction to whatever else’. Right now, that addiction or the phobia or whatever is not on their frontline. Their frontline is “How do I get out of the panic attack that I’m at?” 

So, what kind of content should people be changing? Should we be going back to everything, our sales pages? How deep should we be going into this?

[17:26] Scott:

I would say, look at your entire funnel, your email sequence, your sales page, your ads (if you do ads), your Instagram posts, your Facebook – Whatever you’re doing is going to have to change. Your messaging plan is going to have to change because if not; so what I’ve seen is, if you change the messaging, and I’ve seen this specifically with the people that I work with, that are running plain advertising, their ad costs are going 80% lower than they have ever been, when they’re talking about where we are in the market right now. Anyone that’s not talking about where the market is, I’ve seen the ad cost go up by 10x which is unprecedented, I’ve never seen that before. And so what’s happening is, and this all comes back to relevancy and I have a methodology around marketing called the ROI Method, and it stands for Relevancy Omnipresence Intimacy, and I won’t go deep into it today or anything like that. But the biggest element right now around relevancy is you’ve got to know who you’re talking to, you’ve got to be able to be relevant to them, then make sure that you’re positioning to them so the way that they see you is very, very accurate and dead on; the way that you’re messaging; the way that you’re bringing them through “Oh, okay, here’s your pain, here’s your problem, here’s the consequences of that problem. Alright, now, here is the methodology to fix that. Hey, I’m the authority to do this, here’s the proof that I’ve done it before. Here’s your solution. Let me take care of your objections and let me show you the vision.” 

So all of these things have to be around what is actually going on in the world because the offer that worked a month ago, I’m seeing this all over the world right now, people calling me being like “My funnel don’t work right now” I’m like “Okay, your funnel would work, you’ve just got to change your messaging.” And so, everything, you’ve got to be really proactive even if it’s still working right now, you’ve got to go and very, very quickly change this because it’s going to get much more difficult for market without having that change. 

[19:11] Sahara:

A hundred percent! And I think that it’s probably going to be like this, I don’t think the virus necessarily, but we were talking about just the economy, it’s probably going to be like this for a bit of time so it’s not like you have to. You know, I was talking to a friend and she’s like “I don’t want to redo all of my sales pages and emails and stuff because the when it goes back I will have to redo them again.” I’m, like “I don’t think it’s going to be this 2-week thing and that’s it.” We need to look at this more long-term that when a lot of people lose their jobs and it creates this ripple effect, it takes time to build up. And that doesn’t mean that people aren’t spending any money, in fact, in some areas, they’re spending more money than ever before – Purell of course, then Zoom calls – but also just – I’m sure therapists, or online, whatever those online virtual therapy things are, anything that you can do to bring your businesses online and bring people security, this is the call.

So, if you’re a yoga teacher, instead of being “Learn all about the Bhagavad Gita” no one want to know about the Bhagavad Gita right now. It’s like “Here’s how to feel better today!” That’s it.

[20:13] Scott:

Yeah, absolutely. And I think that you really have to realize that this is not (we’re recording this at the end of March now), this is not something where we’re going to look at in June and the economy just bounced back up. This is going to take years; this is a ripple effect that is going to change a lot of things. And I’m not saying that this is a bad thing, I think this is a transition; I think a lot of things are transitioning right now. I think any time that big things happen in the world, it is a wake-up call, and I think it is going to allow up as a collective to increase our consciousness because every single time that a big event happens, that’s what typically happens (our consciousness goes up or our consciousness goes down). And so I really think, I really believe, and everything I have researched from AI and Robotics, and everything else, I really think that this is a wake-up call and attention awakening for people. And I think it’s actually; if we look back 10 years from now on this day, when we look back we’re like “Oh remember the Pandemic of 2020; remember what happened in the economy in 2020” we’re going to look back on it and be like “Wow, that was the start of something amazing.” But, looking at your marketing materials, looking at your sales materials, be like “Oh you know what, this is all going to blow over.” I would be willing to bet a lot of money that if the economy goes right back up in 90 days, it will be right back down in 90 days thereafter, because it will only ever be based on speculation that it’s going to go back up.

And so, I really believe that in all business, doesn’t matter what you’re in, I believe, I think it’s either the Second or Third Law of Thermodynamics which is essentially Murphy’s Law, which is ‘anything that can happen, will happen.’ And so, everything that will break, will break (I think it’s either the Second or Third Law of Thermodynamics) is every possible thing that can break, will break, and so in business, every possible thing that you have up, doesn’t matter if it’s an offer (even though an offer worked for 3 years, it might not work today). And so that’s what you’ve really got to look at right about now.

[22:19] Sahara:

Yeah definitely. And I think that this really reminded us of the fragility of everything. For a lot of people listening right now, and for myself, this is our first time as business owners even going through a recession. You know, a lot of us didn’t have businesses in 2008, so we’re like “Wait! What is happening? I thought that things just keep getting better” and we, in some ways, had it really freaking easy, and now we’re being shown a different side. And again, it doesn’t mean the end – a lot of great is going to come from that. I think just the way that we operate as a society is going to be so much better and it’s an incredible global awakening, and we’re in for the ride, and we have to be holding on and paying attention and maneuvering with it.

[22:59] Sahara:

So, I want to talk about Customer Service because a lot of people are confused right now – “My customer can’t do payments anymore” or “They want to leave from my Membership” or “They want to leave their Program with me.” What can we do in these cases?

[23:11] Scott:

So you’ve got to really kind of think about a lot of things here, just like in all marketing and sales, there’s a lot of different pillars inside of each. But what I would start off and say is:

– Number 1: If you have customers already, go to them and be like “Hey, here is where I see things; here’s what I’m going to be doing more that I even promised you. Are we good? How are you doing?” So on and so forth.

– Second thing is going to them and saying, so by doing that don’t wait for them to come to you. If you wait for them to come to you, what’s going to happen is, they’re going to be like “Oh you know what? I’m cancelling this.” As soon as someone decides that they’re going to cancel it, now it’s an ego decision, they’re not going to go back from an ego decision. They got enough courage to cancel to start with. Most people, it takes a lot of courage to cancel something or say that they’re not going to pay something or whatever it might be. So go to the proactively and be able to take care of this.

– Number 2: In terms of payment plans, you might have to go to them and say “Hey listen, we need to extend this. What works for you? What can you actually pay, what based on your expenses and everything else?”

Right now is not the time to take out your lawyer, because, what are you going to do? You know, it’s going to take you two years to try to get some money on a contract. You know, I always say this, “Yes, contracts are legally binding documents, but it’s rare that someone ever takes you to court or takes your collections, they ever get, or see any of that money. And so, right now is the time where, at least personally, in my own life, if somebody can’t pay for it and they can’t figure it out, my energy is best spent finding new customers and how to give value to the ones that can pay me, and so you know, and that’s just kind of my view on this. 

I was a $1million in debt when I was 21, which wasn’t that long ago, it was only 7 years ago, and a lot of people helped me out during that time. Helped me out, extended my payment plans – I paid back every single dollar, I did not go bankrupt, I paid every single dollar, a million plus in debt. And so I have a kind of sweet spot for entrepreneurs and sweet spot for people that pay me, and in times like this people truly, honestly cannot pay you a lot of the time, but even more of the time, if you went to them and figured out what was actually going on, I actually got down to the heart level with that person, you’re going to be able to have a much better opportunity to actually get some payment from them.

I’d rather take a payment plan and stretch it over 12 months than not get any money. And so I think that that’s what you’ve got to look at right there.    

[25:46] Sahara:

A hundred percent! And I think just maintaining that relationship with the client and not being like “Well your agreement said you would pay me by the 1st . A lot has happened this month that is unprecedented and no one could have predicted, and I’m sure no one feels good deferring a payment plan. I mean a lot of people can’t even pay their rent etc. so I think we get to be really flexible but I also do understand as business owners we are depending on that to pay team etc. 

So I want to ask you about giving discounts on your products, programs, coaching etc. right now. You know, a lot of people are saying “Well, should I discount it? Should I give stuff for free? Or is that devaluing me? Is that setting me up for failure?”

What do you think about discounting right now?

[26:25] Scott:

I think that, purely just discounting for the sake of discounting, I don’t think it makes a ton of sense. If you’re creating a new offer and that offer’s lower than any offer you’ve ever had, I think that makes more sense. If you’re doing something like “Hey listen, we’re going to waive your monthly fee or your monthly membership or whatever might be for an X reason, I think that that could work too. But saying “Hey, listen, this program has been $9.97, and because of the virus and the economy it’s now $4.97 for the rest of time or for the next week, I think it’s better from a brand perspective (I really believe this) better from a brand perspective to come out with a new offer that’s at least changed whether it’s that you add something or take something away, or whatever it might be, I think it’s better to do that than it is to purely change or rather just completely discount. That’s my own brand anyways right? Some people have brands where they can get away from discounting, and that’s their audience, and that’s the audience that they bring and they have to do that in order to generate sales and revenue. A lot of people, they have to do their Easter Sale, and they have to do their Black Friday Sale, and they have to do these different kinds of sales – so that’s not advice that works for everybody. 

But in general, I don’t think you should be giving away. I see some people giving away their fan for free right now, or they’re like “I’m afraid to make an offer.” Let’s say, if you’re afraid to make an offer, the entire economy is going to collapse if everyone did that. Everyone just gave everyone for free, the entire economy would collapse and we’d have no stock market; money would be valuable; would be bartered, right? 

And so, you’ve got to be kind of careful on both ends. If you want to do anything, take a percentage of your profit and donate it. I think that that’s a great thing to do, that’s something that I personally do and I’m personally doing with all the things that I’m doing right now – of taking a percentage and donating it to various charities that are in need of it right now, various people and families that are in need as well.      

[28:14] Sahara:

Yeah. I think that a lot of us, especially as women, we’re like “Let me discount it; let me just give it” just to keep them and it really discounts our offer, discounts us as entrepreneurs and it is important. I think it’s really hard for us, “Well I’ll lose them if I don’t discount it.” And again, maybe, you work around them, you work with them. Again, it depends if this is a one-on-one thing etc. But I think a lot of their fears are “Well, I don’t, I can’t launch a new product right now, I have a fear of selling.”

How can we sell authentically in this market?

[28:48] Scott:

I preface it and say; it’s really easy for me to say; it’s really easy for me to give advice right now because I’m not in a scenario where I’m looking at a bank and like “Wow, I don’t have enough money for rent next month.” So I always have to be careful the way I answer questions like that because I’m not in that scenario. But that’s also one of the reasons why I do mentor some people that are in that scenario, to stay relevant with really the experience of most entrepreneurs at the end of the day. 

– So I would say this, I would say that authenticity, from my experience, comes from not necessarily a 1000% honesty, I think that 95% honesty is for the most part is better in society than a 100% honesty. I think that if we were a 100% honest no one would have relationships, no one would like anybody because people aren’t always ready to hear a 100% of what it is, I would say that number one.

– Number two, I think that entrepreneurship, more than anything else, it’s just purely about being present to listen to someone; having awareness around what their problem or pain actually is, and figuring out a way that works for you and them to be able to work with them. 

You might go through a time right now where you have 90%. So I’ll give you a story, back in 2013 – in 2011 I sold one of my businesses for $1 to avoid bankruptcy, and so I was living in a very dark time in 2011/2012. The only time in my entire life that I worked for anybody, keep in mind when I was 16 I had a $1million business, I had a crazy, crazy story growing up and looking back at it. 

So one day, I finally, I was like “You know what, this is enough!” And I had $12.000 a month in debt payments, and I left this agency and I had less than $4000 in my bank account. Literally, a bullet to my head! A lot of people might feel like right now, so I’ve experienced this is my life. And so what I did is, I went and I got 60 meetings with every single business owner I possibly could. I went through LinkedIn, I literally showed up at their office; I did lunches; I did dinners; I remember gassing up the last gas card I had, I exchanged all my points (all my air mile points for gas cards) and being like “Wow, that’s the last bit of gas I have, so I need to be careful with where I go and where I use this money.” And in less than 30 days; so all I did every single one of these meetings, I had no business card, I had no website, nothing; all I had was me. All I had was me and my ability to be resourceful enough to figure it out, and I think that’s the biggest lesson I’m going to share through here. And in that time, all I did, looking back, was I listened to them, I understood them, I heard them, not just listened but heard them, I repeated back to them what they are experiencing, painted a picture of what it looked like to have that problem fixed, and then went and figured out how much I could give that to them, and then if they could pay me that. I secured in less than 30 days $250.000 in revenue from doing that. I had no team members, I had no employees, I had nothing. Now, I was working 20 hours a week for the next six months. To figure that out I had to hire people, I had to do all kinds of crazy things, but I got $250.000 not by having some marketing campaign, not by having a fancy business cards; or fancy website or a fancy funnel (I didn’t have a funnel), it was just me showing up, listening and then being able to respond on – How can I help? 

And so I think the easiest way to be able to be authentic in this time, is to the highest of your ability, come to someone with pure support, figuring out how you can really fix their problem, how you can really add value to them, how you can really serve them, and then you’re going to be taken care of after that, because that’s just the way life kind of goes, it’s the way the Universe goes – you take care of people, people take care of you. 

So I think that that’s really the key element of authenticity of being able to sell. And that also takes this whole inner story of “I’m not good enough” or “I don’t trust myself” or “I don’t love myself enough to get on the phone” or “I don’t think I’m valuable enough.” It takes all that away because it’s not about you, it’s actually just about you being able to show up and actually helping someone, looking at them and saying “I can help you” or looking at someone and like “I can’t help you, that’s beyond my skill set, that’s beyond what I know how to do.” Or, I love this story of Richard Branson.

[33:10] Scott:                   

Richard Branson, where his very first private jet experience where he brought people that created Virgin Airlines, it was him being stuck in an airport; him chartering a private jet and him getting people say “Yeah, I want to be on that.” And so, a lot of the time, you’re going to see someone’s problem when you need to go figure out how to fix it. And in this time, this is when entrepreneurs are born because entrepreneurs solve problems, and it’s all you do. You go and find problems, you solve those problems and you get paid for those problems. And that to me is how to be authentic in this time.

[33:48] Sahara: 

I love that so much, and really it just shows how resourceful we are as humans when we get to that place that we essentially have to be. And most of us, honestly, have never really had to be; a lot of us have never been to a point maybe that we are now, that we’re like “Okay, I need to get something figured out.” And I think, it’s a huge opportunity for us to step into the ways that we can be of service that we didn’t even think about before. 

So you were sharing for example, that one of your clients was teaching people how to travel around the world – well that business just isn’t there, you can try as hard as you want but right now people are not traveling around the world. But I’m sure he has other skills that are valuable that people could use – maybe it’s creating how he created his business, or something else totally unrelated. And I think that this is a huge invitation for us to step into those hidden super-powers that we have that we haven’t just been leading with yet. 

[34:42] Advertisement

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It takes only one minute to add into my water and I feel so good knowing that at least I got my greens in for that day, which frankly I may not have had otherwise. I’ve also sent it to my family members to keep them healthy at this time too. 

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 [35:53] End of Advertisement

[35:54] Scott: 

I think right now is the time to look and be like “You know what? I’m going to forget everything that I’ve done. Let’s figure out what works.” 

People are always, if someone says “That’s not fair” – I don’t care about what’s fair in life, I care about what works.

And so right now is the time to be able to approach everything as “I know nothing, I’m not trying to prove anything to anybody, I’m trying to figure out what works, and I’m going to use my gut, I’m going to use my intuition to guide me. And yes I should have some mentor; yes I should have some guides; yes I need some people in my life that can actually guide me.” But right now is the best time of any time to be like “What works for me? What works for the market? What works for this potential customer? And let me pivot to whatever it is.” 

You’ve got to look back at 2008 when the market crashed, AirBnB got started after that crash; Uber got started in that year; a lot of the things that we know and love today got started because the paradigm shifted, someone saw the opportunity (which by the way was just the problem, someone saw the problem) and they were like “Oh, I can actually fix that problem” and then they got the desire to actually fix that problem. And people paid money to people that solved problems, and that’s how a world works. 

And so, you find a problem, you find one that you can fix and then you find the people that are willing to pay you for it, and you have a business. People complicate this stuff way, way, way too much, and I think right now, we get to come back to the basics of what business really is. And I think that that is beautiful. 

[37:33] Sahara

So well said! Yes, a friend of mine, he was running this big social media, influencer, management company which just, you know, a lot of brands are not investing in that right now, and he’s taking those skills as just being a consultant. And he’s finding people on Upwork and different places and just being a consultant, using many of these skills that he learned and other skills that he hasn’t gotten to use. But he quickly saw, okay, people are not spending millions of dollars on the Kardashians at this moment – so what can I do right now to provide value? And I think that our ego takes a hit of like “Well, it was supposed to be like this; and I want to serve like that; and I worked so hard and it was supposed to work out.” And we have to let go of the way anything was supposed to be because nothing is a guarantee and acceptance is really the key to happiness. When you can just accept this is what it is, then there’s no more, as Eckhart Tolle said “There’s no more drama around it” there’s no more “It should be this, it should be this” this is just the situation that we’re in. So how are you going to make this the best opportunity ever?

And we’ve been talking about how this is actually the best opportunity ever for online entrepreneurs.         

[38:40] Scott: 

Absolutely! I think it’s so, so important just to (I’ll talk about online entrepreneurs). But in 2019 I had a business at $10 million in revenue, but I knew that this time was coming, and I did not want to be in this time ($500.000 in expenses), you know $500.000 in expenses adds up to be lots of millions of dollars if the market goes not the right way. And so I sold a part of the business, shut down part of the business. Me shutting down that business cost me almost $1 million of my own personal money. And I’d look at that and be like “Oh, that sucks.” I had a whole identity issue around that because I was a guy that helped people build 7-figure businesses and scaled them, and all these different types of things. And everyone saw it as successful but for me, I was like “Oh, I wish I would’ve built that and sold it.” And then when I got to the point (a couple months went by) when I got to the point where I accepted that that happened, I accepted who I am I accepted who I am not, and I accept that I know some things are going to happen and I trust my gut, and I trust my intuition. And I look at it now and I am so glad I did that because it was about a year ago.

[39:52] Sahara

You fully moved up to the woods you’re running for it. 

[39:54] Scott: 

Yes, I’m ready, I’m ready, absolutely! I actually, in the video here I forgot to turn the lights on, that’s how much I’m in the woods. We don’t do lights, we do fire these days, for our eyes.

But back to where the potential is. And if you’re listening to this you might be an entrepreneur, you might not be an entrepreneur, you might be someone that is looking at entrepreneurship now, like “I got to do this! I need to create my own destiny. I need to create my own reality.” And I think that’s what entrepreneurship really does! And so, right now, you’re going to see more online entrepreneurs than any other time ever. The next 12-18 month’s we’re going to see more online entrepreneurs than any time; you’re going to see so many people that are quitting their jobs; that got laid off, that the situation changed, and they’re like “You know what – I’m going to take reality into my own hands.”

[40:45] Scott:

So, I’ve been writing this book for a while, and it talks about (this book’s not my next book coming out in June; but this one will be next year) and it talks about we all have entrepreneurialism in our blood, we literally do. Three hundred years ago we were all entrepreneurs and then industrialization came by and then we had bosses, and we managers, and we had upper management and lower management; and we had this and that, and all these different kinds of things that created us to be employees instead of really the creators of our reality. 

And so I think that we are going into a time of the next 10 years (specifically the next 3 years) where AI and Robots are going to replace a lot of the jobs that are out there, and we now get to become entrepreneurs again. And you can look at that in one or two ways, you can look at that and be like “Oh my God, all the jobs are being replaced, oh my God” and all the chaos and all the fear. And you have the opportunity to do that or you have the opportunity to look at it and be like “Wow, I actually get to go solve problems, live my best life, create my own destiny, create for me, and do something purposeful with my life.

You know, the number of people that are in jobs that they hate, getting a paycheck that they don’t want even to have, to pay for student loans, to pay for this, to pay for that – I mean the number of people that are just not on fire in life, they’re not on a purpose, it’s so high. And now we almost get this reset in our world; we almost get a reset where it’s like “Okay, you know what, someone who’s going to lose their job; you might be listening to this right now; you might have just lost your job and you might be devastated by that news; you may feel guilt by that news; you may feel so many things by that news, but the truth is that that is the ability for you to really have a wake-up call and to really look in the mirror and be like “You know what? I’ve got this! The only certain thing that I need is that I can look in the mirror and I know that I’m going to be able to figure it out.” I know that I’m resourceful enough to be able to figure it out. To be able to help people, to be valuable in our society, to be valued into what I do. And I think that that is a beautiful thing about the online business world right now. 

People are seeing location is a massive problem, not being able to travel is a massive problem. We are seeing this with the virus right now, but imagine with online business, you have the ability to do it absolutely anywhere. A lot of people though, unfortunately, they’ve gotten lazy, they might’ve known about online business, they might’ve known about it, but they’re like “Ah, well you know what, I like my situation.” People love comfort, human beings love comfort. Well now is a beautiful time, an uncomfortable time to be able to do something that might have been uncomfortable before, but now will create an even higher level of comfort. So I’m really, really excited about that. 

[43:26] Sahara

A hundred percent. And I think a lot of people right now, they’re going to realize how much things are easier with online. I know for my husband, he was like “Wow, I was going to all of these meetings in person and spending a good 20 minutes just small talking at the beginning, when I could’ve, this whole time, done these meetings on a Zoom call, etc.”

So I think a lot of people are kind of 4-hour work-weeking their lives and being like “Wow, I could just order my groceries; I could do this; I could do that.” And yeah, we could be like “What’s the society going to become if people aren’t meeting in person?” But, is that really an intentional meeting to meet people for business things? Yeah, there’s small talk that goes by, but what if you actually took that time and meditated or hiked, or did something that you genuinely want to do.

[44:12] Scott: 

Yeah, I think there’s a difference between distancing your bodies and distancing your hearts. I think there’s a difference between two of those and let’s be honest, how many people actually have intentionality about connecting with other people on a daily basis? I don’t think as many people; I think that people say that, but they’re buying into, in all honesty, an illusion. I think at the end of the day, by having online, and by having more virtual, we are then that more, much more intentional about when we are actually meeting with somebody in person; when we’re actually connecting with somebody; we’re actually having the presence to slow down, because I guarantee you, I am way more effective having a Zoom meeting with someone. If someone comes in person, I’m small talking for an hour – was that really a connected, deep conversation, or was that just something that I thought I needed to do because that’s what you do in business. 

[45:10] Sahara

Yes, a hundred percent. And I also think that a lot of people right now might be like “Well I don’t have an online presence so it’s too late, and there’s all these big people out there doing it.” 

But you know, let’s say for example, you’re a yoga teacher and you have your twenty regulars. Those people like to learn from you, there’s something unique that you teach, so, if you, now, have now your yoga classes online, they would much rather do that than go look through YouTube and filter through all these new people, and find someone that they don’t really like. Also, I think the opportunity, I know Libby, your wife does this, but personal training on a Zoom call – people who want the feedback, like “Is my form okay?” 

So, I think we immediately think “Oh people are just going to choose the cheapest option” but not necessarily. A lot of people want that feedback and that connectivity.

When I moved to out to, I live near Malibu now, but I at first was always (when I lived in Santa Monica) going to work-out classes every single day, because I thought that was just what you do – you work out with other people. And now that I live out here, it’s just too far away and I started working out online last year, and I’m like “Why would I spend 30 minutes to drive there, 30 minutes to drive back when I can just do it online?” 

And I feel like right now, it’s almost like when we were getting rid of factories after the Industrial Revolution people were like “What are we going to do with all the factory workers, they’re not going to have jobs?” And now we’re getting rid of a lot of other jobs that people didn’t necessarily need to do. And right now, when you go to CBS there’s an option for self-check-out and there’s an option for a human check-out. It’s slowly going to shift and shift and shift, and it’s going to be more and more automated, and instead of complaining about it because it’s the inevitable future, we’ve got to look at what is the opportunity here because now I don’t have to necessarily even work a job for a paycheck. I think after all of this too, we’re going to get a lot of basic human rights met. So we’re not going to have to be squandering after a $1 but actually look at “What is my Dharma; what is my purpose and how do I really want to serve?”

[47:01] Scott: 

Well I think we’re going through a beautiful time right now, and I think a lot of people don’t look at it this way but does someone really need to be checking-in things at CBS? That person, I don’t think that that person came down to probably spend the rest of their life checking things out at CBS (if we really got down to it).

So, I think, the truth is, people are really going to be able to get into their true life’s purpose, and the Universe has a funny way – the Universe whispers, and then it talks; then it shouts; then it slaps you in the face; then it punches you in the face; then it puts you right down on your face; in that order. And so I think a lot of people, they get out of the whisper stage, or they get out of the slap in the face stage (I’ve thankfully been able to get to the point where the Universe slaps me now, it doesn’t punch me in the face anymore, it hasn’t always been like that) and so I think, overall, as a consciousness, it kind of punches a little bit some people to be like “Hey listen, you’re not here just to do that, you’re here to do something more.” And I think that it’s going to be a turbulent transition, but I think that it is going to be an amazing transition. I’m very optimistic about what’s going to happen over the next 20-30 years when it comes to all this. I think that we just fast-forwarded it 5 years, with what’s happening right now, we’ll look back and we literally fast-forwarded it 5-7 years by doing this because people change quickly, but if they don’t have to, they don’t. And so, you know, people evolve quickly, but if they don’t have to; if we don’t have to upgrade our consciousness because we’re not getting any pain – I know this for me, when I met my now wife Libby, when I met her first, I looked and I was like “You know, I’m probably going to have to upgrade myself quite a bit here if I want to” (not that she asked for that or anything) but I was just like “I want to be my best self.” She’s amazing; I’m so in love with this person, oh my God. So I upgraded my consciousness by quantum leaps after that time. And so, and if it wasn’t for her, I know for a fact that it might have took 20 years to get to the same amount of human evolution that happened too. And so, I think that significant events in our life, love, disease, debt, the economy, all these things, they allow us to condense the amount of time that evolution can actually occur, and so we’re increasing our momentum and we’re condensing the amount of time that it happens. So, it might feel painful, it might look painful, you might perceive it as painful – I think we’re going to look back and look at the dots and be like “Wow, I’m so glad that that happened, there was a lot of pain but I am so glad for us as a collective, for our path forward that we did that.” 

[49:54] Sahara:

Beautifully said, and I always say rejection is redirection. And I think right now we’re just being redirected and when you’re in it, when you’re in the shitty part of your memoir, you never know it, but we’re going to look back at it and be like “Ah! That was my breakdown moment where I had to break through” but you’re never aware of it when you’re going through it. You’re thinking “Why me? How do I get out of this?” not knowing that it was the greatest – I’m sure the moment, the situation of you being a $1 million in debt is probably what you speak about more than all of your successes, right?

[50:25] Scott: 

Absolutely! And it taught me everything to be able to actually understand how to mentor. I mean, I’ve helped over a hundred entrepreneurs go past the 7-figures at this moment. And if I wasn’t 7-figures in debt, I wouldn’t have understood what is actually going on up there in the mind of an entrepreneur. I think I’m probably one of the mentors in the world for somebody that’s an entrepreneur (that’s the low 8 figures) and it’s because I failed my way so much, and after every failure, up until the last couple years, I’m like “Oh my God, this is so bad!” and now, every time I fail, every time I fail on something new or whatever it might be, I’m like “Wow, I’ve got another story to tell now. I’ve got another way to be able to help someone, relate to someone!” 

Success doesn’t teach you as much as the failures. You know one thing I’ll say on failures – I’ve had a lot of them! You know, slow down and enjoy it! Crazy advice, right? But slow down and enjoy that! I clearly remember being $1million in debt because I tried to speed up the process of getting through it. I tried getting to get through it and I was like “Oh my God, I got to get through this, I got to get through this” every morning I would get up and “Well, I got to get through this, I got to get through this.” So many of us in our life we’re trying to get to something that once we get to, we look back and we’re like “Wow, I could have probably enjoyed the whole experience, even the crappy parts.” And I look back now and I’m like “Wow, that time when I was living in that 300sqft apartment in St. John’s, Newfoundland Canada, the most easterly point of Canada where it’s 8 months of the year it’s minus degrees – I wish I remembered more of that.” And instead, I blocked it out, I just sped through it. And so I’ll say that the journey really is, looking back, the journey is by far the most enjoyable part even if it’s hard to believe that at the moment in which you’re at that kind of low.

[52:15] Sahara:

Yes! I’m so excited for all of the businesses that are going to come out of the Great 2020 Dip or whatever they’re going to label this leader on. We were all talking about 2020 is going to be the decade of the visionary and moving forward, and we were all so excited for it, and now I see all these memes ‘I want a refund on 2020.’ But if wanted to get there we have to pull off the band aid, the band aid of security or disillusion or whatever it is. And I think the level you’re feeling it right now is the level that you needed to. And whatever shadows are showing up for you were there all along, this is just your opportunity right now to really look at them. So are you going to numb yourself our or are you going to really look at them? 

See, okay, this fear of scarcity, or death, or abandonment, or whatever, has been there all along, now I get to really work with it because as you said, if you didn’t have that experience now, you might have spent the rest of your life with that. 

[53:10] Scott: 

Yeah, I think the beautiful part is whether or not we like it. We’ve got a massive mirror on everything, so, I can say right now there’s going to be a lot of people in relationships be like “What the heck is going on?” People that are quarantined together, that haven’t spent this much time in years, or new relationships, it’s going to be the whole new – how the most people break up in January, after Christmas, I think it’s going to be a whole lot of break ups in June and July. But relationship, life, and everything in general, there’s just this massive mirror coming down, looking at you, being like “Hey, you thought you had certainty, but you don’t. Hey, as long as you’ve got yourself, you’re good. Hey, do you really love yourself or is it only when it’s convenient?” 

I see a lot of people right now, a lot of people that are conscious and spiritual, and it’s kind of like this is the time when all the tools, all that you’ve gathered, you really have to use, this is the time when your real character really comes out. It’s really easy to take care of yourself, and do your rituals, and do your things when everything’s good and you’ve got lots of time and so on. But when things get tough, when things get tougher your true colors really show. And right now is going to be the time where the collective does a lot of deep work on themselves, and so, there’s going to be a group, like you said, there’s going to be a group to suppress that, and there’s going to be a group to arise from that and they’re like “Okay, I see it and it’s time, and let’s do this now.” And I’m excited to see the businesses and the people and the success that comes out of this because there is going to be so much that’s going to come out of this over the next 5-10 years.

[54:58] Sahara:

Yes, it is exciting times, and it is such a good time to learn; to pivot; to get that mentorship. I know I am going through all of the courses that I signed up for, and super-excited about your new course.

So, can you share with us what you have created, this incredible opportunity?

[55:12] Scott: 

Absolutely! So about 3 weeks ago now, so I would say this beforehand, I wrote a post about a month ago now, and I was talking about, it was about 5000 words and it went into exactly how I was running a multimillion dollar business, working less than 20 hours a week with only two team members. And I think it signaled to the Universe, it was like “Hey, I’m ready for more!” And I was doing a – I’m a huge fan of hypnotherapy (one of my other businesses is a hypnotherapy business for entrepreneurs, a mindset company for entrepreneurs) and I was doing a hypnotherapy session, and this came to me, and it was like “Hey Scott, you need to do a program, you need to do something for entrepreneurs that are going to be going through this recession. Now keep in mind, this is before the stock market plunged, this is before everyone that was even thinking about it – I knew it was coming, but most people didn’t have a clue into it just yet. And I was like “I don’t want to create more work right now, I don’t want to do more right now” I just got used to working 4 hours a day. And so the next morning I got a voicemail from my hypnotherapist Grace Smith (which I just actually introduced you too as well and introduced everybody that wants any type of mindset work) and she’s like “Hey Scott, I thought about this thing, I got this dream last night, and it was a dream that you needed to create a program called “Recession Proof” and I’m like “No, no you didn’t! There’s no way!” And she’s like “You should do it” and so I was still resistant, still resistant, I didn’t want to create anything new. And so then, one of my friends, I mentioned him back in 2017/18 and he created this company that’s generated, that’s helped others generate hundreds and millions of dollars in revenue and scaling with their operations team in finances. And he called me and was like “Hey Scott, I’m going to do a program, there’s so many people hurting right now, they don’t know what to do, they don’t know how to run their operations; they don’t know how to run anything, and they need help.” And so, I was like “Oh my God, this is the part I was missing.” He has a team of 15 people, he can deliver it, so I could take my brilliance and put it on top of his ability to deliver and we created this program called “Recession Proof” for online entrepreneurs, doesn’t matter if you’re at $1000 a month, $10.000, $50.000 a month, and it’s really a 6-week intensive to be able to bring you up to speed on what you need to do to change your marketing right now; what change in your sales right now; what you need to do on every element of the business; how to take care of your finances right now; how to get the credit you need; how to use any credit if you have that; how to manage your mindset and take care of your mindset, and so we’re literally doing five Lives a week inside of this program, giving you my ROI Method, my marketing and sales program. I don’t want to go too much into the pitch or anything like that, but really, at the end of the day I was like “I want something that’s accessible, that anybody can really kind of get into; we created a super-affordable weekly payment plan for everybody, and really just a way to be able to create a medium (my medium) where most people pay me literally anywhere from 5-6 figures to work with me at the different capacities that they do, but we can take thousands of entrepreneurs and be able to help them. And so, that’s really what we’re doing with Recession Proof giving them what they need; being able to future proof; and being able to get the quick wins that most programs that you come in and be like “Alright, I’m going to make some progress over the next 6 months” well, we’re going to help you get progress in the next week, and that’s really what this is about. 

[58:40] Sahara:

It’s so good already, I’ve started to watch some of the Lives and they’re so valuable, it’s really helped me. I’ve gone through changing my Rose Gold Goddesses page to be more about what people are experiencing, the loneliness right now. And we’re going to be doing a bonus that I’ll be throwing in an extra Webinar for people who are interested in talking to their audience and how to really connect with people at this difficult time, and also just understanding, for example, if you have a membership or program or whatever, how to really talk to people in a way so they could know this is for the best for them and really speak into their hope rather than their fear to bring them up.

So I’m super-excited to add that as a bonus.

[59:18] Scott: 

I’m so excited for that as well. I’ve never actually, I’ve never been this excited – one of the really cool parts of this is, I’m able to come from a place of pure support with this, I don’t have to do this, and when you don’t have to do something, but you’re called to do it, the amount of conviction that you have is just so much different. And so I want that for everybody in the world at the end of the day because it’s just such a beautiful thing. And I know you’ve experienced this as well, and so it’s really going to be just such an amazing experience for someone – the community aspect of it, the learning aspect of it, the level of support that we’re providing. I think we’re going to put the link in the show notes and all that stuff, but anybody that’s interested on this, I would highly recommend going to take a look at this, It’s really going to help absolutely everybody no matter where you’re too with your online business right now.      

[1:00:07] Sahara:

Oh my God, it’s like even just reading your Recession Proof Guide which is just a little taste of it helped me so much because I didn’t even fully realize that I needed to change so many different aspects of my business and all of these little things that you thought about. Just that saved me tens of thousands of dollars. So I think that this is really the opportunity for us to look within, take that hood off of our businesses and look and see what’s really going on, and it’s the perfect time because you know a lot of the times we’re too busy for a course or we’re this or we’re that – guess what – no one has a schedule right now, so spend that time learning, and taking those quick wins. And you know, the last thing anyone wants to do right now is lay off their team or take an income cut etc., and it’s happening to so many people. And if we, not just for ourselves, but for our team and all of the people depending on us, we get to go deep into understanding what is happening right now so we can create the business that truly solves problems.

[1:01:05] Scott: 

Absolutely, absolutely! I think it’s so important to know what’s happening, why it’s happening, what to do about it and to be able to take action on it. And of course, we’re going to put the link to the Guide – I literally had someone message me to say “In the last 24 hours I made $50.000 just by implementing what was in the Guide and keeping my max person at an audience to less than 5000 people” so, not a big audience, not a massive business. That Guide alone is helping people so, so much. So even if you’re in a place like “You know what, I don’t have any money to buy anything” that’s totally fine, I just want to get that Guide in your hand, and I think it’s going to be the most valuable thing you read this year. 

[1:01:46] Sahara:

A hundred percent! It has been amazing! Well thank you so much for sharing all your wisdom with us; for pouring in your years of research, even though you’re a young soul, you’ve lived a jam-packed life, and we’re so grateful to be able to learn from you. Thank you.

[1:02:00] Scott: 

Absolutely, thank you for having me.

[1:02:03] Sahara:

I hope that you got a lot of value from that Podcast. I know that Scott is super-knowledgeable and go-to business mentor for so many people, and I feel so honored that he took the time to be here on The Highest Self Podcast sharing his best tips and strategies with us. 

And again, if you want to dive into his program, receive my bonus Webinar, head over to the link in the show notes, you will see a little ‘bit.ly’ link there; you can download his “Recession Proof Guide”; if you end up signing up for his program, you’ll receive my free bonus Webinar and it’s going to support you so deeply as you navigate these shifts.      


If you loved this episode, I would love to send you a free gift which is the first half of my unreleased book “Eat Right for Your Mind Body Type“. This is a different book than “Eat Feel Fresh“. My first book ever which is not released anywhere, and I am gifting it exclusively to those who leave a review of my podcast in the iTunes store. So all you’ve got to do is head over to iTunes where you’re maybe listening to this podcast and leave a review, take a screenshot that you’ve left it and email it over to me at [email protected] and I will send you back the first half of my unreleased book “Eat Right for Your Mind Body Type“, which goes all into Ayurveda, Doshas, Plant-Based Nutrition, Body Types – all of the things in a really fun and engaging way. So this is my gift to you for free for supporting the podcast. Every single review I personally read. It really helps the podcast be listened to by more people so we can raise the vibration of the planet together, and I am soul grateful to have you on this journey.

Thank you so much for listening and I’ll see you on the next episode. Namaste.

Episode 286: Recession Proof Your Biz for Online Entrepreneurs with Scott Oldford
By Sahara Rose 




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