Easy Ayurvedic Cauliflower “Fried-Rice”- Vegan and Paleo. Part of Sahara’s 31 Day Transformation Challenge

Cauliflower is a low-calorie, low-glycemic alternative to rice that is higher in fiber and phytonutrients. This recipe has the same indulgent, savory taste as your favorite fried-rice, except without the MSG, toxic canola and/or vegetable oil and of course, the rice.

Cooking cauliflower also makes it easier to digest, as the heat breaks down the fibrous cell walls that cause bloating issues in Vatas and Kaphas. The sesame oil has warming qualities, which also counterbalances the cold properties of cauliflower. This dish is Tri-Doshic, meaning Vatas, Pittas and Kaphas can all benefit from it.

If you don’t know your Dosha, or mind-body type, take my free quiz here. I’ve included notes next to the ingredients with little modifications you can make for each Dosha.

Image by PinchofYum


Title image by The Veggie Chick, Recipe by Sahara Rose

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