Balancing Your Dosha During Quarantine

What do a Vata, Pitta and Kapha in quarantine have in common?

Not a lot.

And you’ve probably been noticing it just in your family and friends!

I was thinking about my different Dosha buddies and how DIFFERENT we all show up in quarantine and made these funny little memes so you can see which relate to you!

Which relates to you?

Tag your fam/ friends who remind you of each Dosha in my posts Vata, Pitta and Kapha posts!

Now.. what do we do about it? Here are my tips to balance each Dosha during Quarantine!

Stay tuned for my new upcoming course with Mind Body Green on Ayurveda for the modern age..

Doors are back open for Rose Gold Goddesses, my sacred sisterhood collective all about honoring the Goddess within.⁠

This community is your spiritual almanac to help guide you through finding your purpose in this difficult time.⁠

There’s something for everyone here from the enlightened entrepreneur to the spiritual gangstas with weekly workshops, guest experts, webinars and more.

Each month we work with a different Goddess energy through a live webinar and I also write a 60+ page e-book for you with meditations, journal prompts, tapping, tools and practices to connect you with this Goddesses medicine.

This month we are working with Goddess Brighid the Goddess of re-emergence, rebirth and new beginnings!

We also have your favorite Highest Self Podcast guests come in to facilitate exclusive workshops with the Rose Gold Goddesses so you can dive in and get your questions answered from an expert you might have otherwise not have direct access to..

..All INCLUDED in your membership! (Over $10k value of workshops… all for the price of one dinner out a month, which you’re saving in this quarantine! 

Here are just some of the live workshops we have available for you this month..

Rose Gold Goddesses is the exact community and inspiration we need in unprecedented times like this where anxiety, fear and sadness are through the roof. If we don’t surround ourselves by high vibe community, we will drown in a pool of fear.⁠

The greatest thing you can do for the world is raise your vibration.

When you feel good, you make better choices and show up as a more aligned person.⁠

And simply, you can’t do it alone.⁠

We’re here to raise you by the hand and put your crown back on, queen.

I invite you to join us now in Rose Gold Goddesses while doors are open now.

With gratitude,

PS: My TikTok video on remembering things you did before your spiritual awakening has gone viral with over 120k views in just a couple days! Check it out here and follow me @iamsahararose for PLENTY of videos making the spiritual journey FUN! 🙂

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