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Highest Self Podcast 058: Journaling To Self Awareness With Katie Dalebout

I truly believe the best self-help book you can get is a journal. We often have so many peoples voices in our heads that we forget our own truth. In this interview, “Let It Out” author Katie Dalebout shares how to make the most of your journaling experiences, including prompts, practices, and rituals.

Katie’s book “Let It Out: A Journey Through Journaling” with foreword by Gabby Bernstein (Hay House) offers 55 journaling exercises divided into seven sections covering everything from clearing clutter to finding presence to cultivating abundance to moving beyond fear. Katie is such a sweet soul and you can really feel her warmth and true desire to help people in this interview. Follow her @katiedalebout.

Do you journal? What are your practices? 

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Intro + Outro Music: Silent Ganges by Maneesh de Moor

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