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Highest Self Podcast 176: Intuitive Gifts + The Loneliness Epidemic with Teal Swan

You may recognize Teal from her vastly popular Youtube channel. I sat down with Teal to discuss all things intuition, channeling and the biggest problem in our generation– loneliness. I ask her many spiritual questions that came up so if you’re interested in diving deep, this episode is for you!

Check out @tealswanofficialYoutube.com/tealswan, tealswan.com and her book The Anatomy of Loneliness for more of her work!

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Intro + Outro Music: Silent Ganges by Maneesh de Moor

Let’s take the discussion further in the Mind-Body Balancers FB group: www.facebook.com/groups/1213662491998309/

Discover Your Dosha (Mind-Body Type) with my free quiz: iamsahararose.com

Connect with me for daily Ayurvedic and modern spiritual wisdom at Instagram: @iamsahararose Facebook.com/iamsahararose Twitter.com/iamsahararose

Order Eat Feel Fresh: A Contemporary Plant-Based Ayurvedic Cookbook and receive my Essential Oils for Your Doshas E-book FREE here: eatfeelfresh.com/book

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