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Highest Self Podcast 070: The WILD Habits That Will Change Your Life with Tara Mackey

In this episode, I sit down with my good friend Tara Mackey, author of Wild Habits and Cured By Nature to discuss how she healed herself from depression, anxiety and a variety of mental “illnesses” (as she had been told) by reconnecting with nature. Her new book shares the WILD Habits that changed her life and she discusses what that acronym stands for in this episode. We discuss:
-How Tara got off over a dozen prescription medications and healed herself from depression, anxiety and mental illness with nature
-The book writing process
-The WILD Habits you need for sustained growth
-How to get in touch with your truth

We are also giving away a FREE copy of her book on my Instagram @IAmSaharaRose so check out my post for this episode there to win the giveaway!

Pre-order her book and win free bonuses: www.wildhabitsbook.com/

Get in touch with Tara at @TaraAMackey and theorganiclifeblog.com/

Let’s take the discussion further in the Mind-Body Balancers FB group: www.facebook.com/groups/1213662491998309/

Intro + Outro Music: Silent Ganges by Maneesh de Moor

Discover your Dharma with my free quiz at https://iamsahararose.com/

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