Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar?
If they were sugar-free, gluten-free and vegan, then probably me.
If you have to know one thing about me.. I love cookies. Especially when they’re made out of almond butter, are free of sugar/ flour/ eggs and contain raw vegan protein. Now you’re talking my language.
But how can cookies that healthy possibly taste good? you may be wondering.
Just a little bit of magic.
As we all know, almond butter tastes amazing. Ask anyone who has polished off a jar with a spoon. However, it can be very heavy and calorically dense on it’s own, which is why we bring in the next ingredient.
Protein powder. Now not all protein powders are created equally. The only one I use is Sun Warrior Organic Vanilla Protein Powder because it’s plant-based, sugar-free, gluten-free and non-GMO, with full branched chain amino acids.
Speaking of sugar-free, you may be wondering how I get these cookies sweet.. I mean they are cookies after all, not a protein bar recipe. I use Lakanto Maple Syrup, which is derived of monkfruit. It has no impact on your blood sugar levels, meaning it does not attribute to weight-gain or feed Candida overgrowth (double win!) You can order it here with my discount SAHARA for 20% off.
I also use Lakanto’s stone-ground chocolate as the chocolate chips just because I LOVE the chocolate and it also keeps the recipe sugar-free. To make them into chips, you can just break them up into small pieces within the bag, or if you really want perfect looking chocolate chips, melt the chocolate on a double-boiler, put it into a piping bag (like what I’m holding below) and squeeze out little chocolate chips on parchment paper and freeze. This is a much longer process so I recommend just breaking it up into little pieces unless you really wanna get culinary! It won’t look as pretty but hey, it’s real! You can also order the Lakanto chocolates on their website for 20% with my code SAHARA here.
Now you have two options for cooking these cookies.
- Raw vegan option: Throw them in the dehydrator overnight on 115 degrees.
- Cooked vegan option: Bake them in the oven at 350 for 10 min.
I’ve done both and they’ve turned out awesome both ways.
These cookies are:
- Super high in protein
- Zero sugar/ carbs
- Extremely gooey
- Nutty yet sweet
- Very easy to make
- Highly addictive—don’t say I didn’t warn you.
Before you eat the screen, here’s the recipe!
Welcome to your new favorite way of getting plant-based protein.
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