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What is your Dosha?


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0% Vata, 0% Pitta, 0% Kapha
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0% Vata, 0% Pitta, 0% Kapha

Kapha Mind

You are warm, loyal, kind and nurturing. People come to you whenever they need a shoulder to lean on. You have a great sense of humor and can get along with anyone- however, nothing replaces your lifelong friends. You tend to stick with what and who you know and sometimes limit your own potential. Sometimes it's difficult for you to try new things and get out of your comfort zone. Though you are there for everyone else, you have the tendency to suppress your own emotions. This can lead to emotional or binge eating. You feel like you have to be there for everyone else but cannot express your own frustrations, which can make you feel depressed.

When you are balanced, you are sweet, funny and peaceful.
When you are out of balance, you become lazy, depressed or lonely.

Kapha Body

As a Kapha, losing weight is especially difficult for you. You may have carried extra pounds for years and have tried countless diets to shed them, without any results. You retain water easily, causing you to become bloated and puffy. You love to sleep and have a hard-time getting up in the morning.You don't have a huge appetite, but whatever you eat seems to make you gain weight. You may notice your weight fluctuates up to 5 pounds in a day. You may also experience mucus, such as coughs, phlegm and colds frequently, which is a Kapha side-effect.

As a Kapha body type, you must incorporate more spices in your diet to stimulate your metabolism, as well as stay away from dairy, fried food, carbohydrates, sugar and meat, which all cause you to gain weight. It's important you exercise vigorously everyday, especially in the morning, and add ginger and cayenne pepper to your diet. For an exact daily meal plan with my recommended breakfast, lunch and dinner for you, plus other tips for shedding those Kapha pounds, check out my book Eat Right For Your Mind-Body Type." . "My program, Eat Right For Your Mind-Body Type, will provide you with a specific food list of the best foods to match your needs, as well as what a typical day's meal plan should look like for you.

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Are you interested in learning more about Ayurveda and the Doshas? I have written two best selling books that dive deeper into all things Ayurveda. Eat Feel Fresh: A Contemporary Plant-Based Ayurvedic Cookbook and Idiot's Guide to Ayurveda.


With over 1 million monthly downloads, I host a top charts spirtual podcast, The Highest Self Podcast.
"Medicine for the millennials." - Deepak Chopra
"Top Seven Podcasts Yogis Will Love" -Yoga Journals


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All About Pitta

Everything you need to know about Pitta types!

This helpful diagram describes

  • all about Pitta types
  • physical characteristics
  • mental qualities
  • when in balance
  • when out of balance
  • how to bring Pitta back into balance
  • best types of yoga for Pittas
  • best specific yoga poses for Pitta

All About Kapha

Everything you need to know about Kapha types!

This helpful diagram describes

  • all about Kapha types
  • physical characteristics
  • mental qualities
  • when in balance
  • when out of balance
  • how to bring Kapha back into balance
  • best types of yoga for Kapha
  • best specific yoga poses for Kapha

All About Vata

Everything you need to know about Vata types!

This helpful diagram describes

  • all about Vata types
  • physical characteristics
  • mental qualities
  • when in balance
  • when out of balance
  • how to bring Vata back into balance
  • best types of yoga for Vatas
  • best specific yoga poses for Vata

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